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Ryujin has been fiddling with her phone, looking at a name on the screen. She decided to just text the person. Though, she doesn't want to look eager.

Ryu: hi. You'll come tonight, right? I already reserved a table for us

Yeji: sorry who's this?

Ryu: is this Claire? the girl from the club. I'm Shin, remember?

On the other side of the phone, Yeji is confused. She did play around, slipping her number on random people in the club. Many contacted her but it's too obvious. This one is a little different.

Yeji: no...?

Ryu: oh. wrong number, then. what's your name?

Yeji: Lucy

Ryu: I'm sorry to bother you, Lucy.

Yeji: it's okay. looks like that girl gave you a fake number

Ryu: it's not fake if I get to talk with another girl. what about you join me instead? I don't want this reservation to go to waste

Yeji is actually familiar with the name. one of the companies that work with hers is under the Shins. Maybe it's a different Shin.

"are you done texting?"

"it's my business partner, Yujin. Be patient." Yeji looks at her then back at the phone.

"you said you wanna go shopping. There's gonna be a crazy traffic."

Yujin already got Yeji's number for some reason. They managed to get close after accidentally run into each other at her café few days ago.

Yeji: when?

Ryu: tonight

Yeji quickly made up a plan. She put her phone back inside her purse.

"let's go now." Yeji said to Yujin. "I have an appointment tonight."

"okay. I'll take you there." Yujin responded as they walk out of the restaurant.

Yujin kindly opens up the door for her, waits for her to get in, then she goes to enter the car herself.

"no need. You can wait for me at my apartment." Yeji smiles at her.

"you sure? should I pick you up, then?" Yujin starts driving.

"you don't need to. Thanks, though."


Yujin secretly takes pictures of Yeji to brag about it to Ryujin. She then sends the best one to her.

Yujin: 1 point for me, pal ;) you better prepare that rover

Ryu: you better send me your sex tape

Yujin: I will get it for sure

Yujin smirks, feeling confident. She keeps her phone in her pocket and approaches Yeji who's looking at some clothes.

"do you think this is nice? Or this one?" Yeji asked, showing her two clothes.

"you can get both." Yujin shrugs. "you'll look pretty in them."

"well, then. I'll take both."

They spend some hours at the mall. Yujin is trying to be nice and decided to carry almost all her bags.

"you don't need to do that. let me bring some too." Yeji looks at Yujin. "we'll go home first then I'll go meet up with them."

"you sure you don't want me to take you there?" Yujin asked as she put the bags in the backseat.

"yes. you must be tired after carrying all that and walking around the mall. Just rest, okay?" Yeji assured her with her hand on Yujin's thigh. "you don't have to wait for me."

"it's okay. I'll wait."


Yeji finally arrived at the place that Ryujin sent her. it looks like a high-end type of bar. She walks in and immediately greeted by a woman.

"have you make any reservation, ma'am?" she smiles kindly.

"I believe it's under the name Shin." Yeji waits for her to check on it.

"Miss Shin is already inside." The woman lets Yeji in.

Yeji walks in to another section of the bar. there are some people but you can count it by hand pretty much. She looks around and noticed a girl sitting alone at a table for two. She supposed it must be her.

"are you Shin?" Yeji stands beside her.

Ryujin looks up and realized that she hits the jackpot. It wasn't a fake number. Only a fake name. this is the girl she's looking for.

Meanwhile, Yeji is a little taken aback. This is the girl she met on the club. She remembers that she did put her number in her pocket while she's drunk.

"I'm sorry I think you got the wrong person." Ryujin politely replied. Giving some moments, Ryujin stifles a laugh. "yeah, have a seat."

Yeji sits down, playing along with her act.

"so, Lucy. right?" Ryujin started as she pours some champagne on Yeji's empty glass. "I'm surprised that you really came. Any reason?"

"I have nothing to do tonight. luckily. Also, I have no reason to refuse either." Yeji said, raising her glass towards her lips.

Ryujin mirrors what she did, keeping an eye contact.

"did you really got a fake number from a girl?" Yeji asked after sipping her drink.

"I'm lucky either way. I think it's better to see you instead." Ryujin shrugs.

"and why is that?"

"I just think that you're at my level. You're worth my time more than those other girls."

"what makes you think that we're on the same level?" Yeji wondered, actually challenging the girl.

"because of what you just did." Ryujin leans forward, taking a good look at her face. "looks like you love to challenge your partner. I love that."

"just because you love what you see, doesn't mean that I'm on your level." Yeji leans back, putting her leg on top of another. Yeji thought she can tease her a bit, showing a little skin to Ryujin.

"that's true. It works on some people, though. Let's say that I have a taste." Ryujin smirks, knowing what Yeji did. "what makes you think otherwise?"

Instead of answering, Yeji pours herself another glass of champagne. Ryujin feels like Yeji wants to seduce her but that clearly didn't work, not until Ryujin is in a drunk state.

"shall we order another drink?"

WIN (RYEJI AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora