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After that day, Yeji rarely sees Ryujin at the bar. she sees her once but Ryujin is having fun with other girls, multiple girls. Yeji starts to miss her. the attention, the feeling of wanted by her, her teasing manner, her smell, basically everything. This is embarrassing to admit for Yeji.

"she's not hard to approach." Chris interrupted her thoughts.

"looks hard." Yeji sighs. "that guy over there looks more approachable."

Chris noticed the guy leaning on the wall, drinking casually while looking towards the dancefloor.

"never seen him." Chris looks at Yeji. "go ahead."

Yeji decided to test her luck. She slowly approaches the guy and join him.

"hey." Yeji leans on the wall as well.

"hey." The guy replied. "are you up to something?"

"not really. I was just wondering why you stand here alone." Yeji sips her drink.

"you want me to sit down?" he scoffed. "I like watching people dance. They look stupid."

"I'm offended." Yeji nudged his arm.

"you like to dance?" the guy asked.


Ryujin watches them from across the room. she's glad that Yeji can socialize normally just like before. Most importantly, Yeji doesn't get attached after Ryujin helped her.

"what are you looking at?" the drunk girl on Ryujin's lap slaps her chest lightly.

"nothing." Ryujin smiles at her. "how about..." Ryujin plays with the girl's hair. "I take you to my place and... we can end the night there?"

"let's go, then."

Yeji is lowkey keeping an eye on Ryujin. When she sees her walking out of the bar, Yeji feels a little sad. The guy noticed this and gently grabs Yeji's hand.

"what's wrong?" he asked.

"nothing." Yeji looks up, smiling at him.

"you're red." He leans closer. "should I take you home?"

"I'm okay. we can stay here." Yeji wraps her arms around his neck. This feels weird, though. Regardless, she tries to enjoy the moment.


Yeji doesn't know how she ended up in a hotel room. in panic, she checks herself, looking for any signs of sexual activity. Luckily, she found nothing. She can hear the sound of someone showering.

"at this hour?" Yeji checks the digital clock on the table.

Yeji doesn't know who's in that bathroom. Whoever it is, she hopes they're nice. Not long after, the water stops running. Yeji covers up herself with the bedsheet, anticipating the one coming.

"oh, you're awake."

"you?" Yeji got confused. "how? You're supposed to be with that girl."

Ryujin walks over to the bed, smiling at Yeji.

"do you want me to tell you what happened?" Ryujin teased.

"I really hope you do."

"I'm not going anywhere. That girl decided to threw up on me. I don't know what happened to you. you passed out and that guy is carrying you out." Ryujin explained briefly.

Yeji just remembers that she and the guy shares a drink. He must've put something inside hers.

"why did you take me to a hotel?"

"I need to clean up. this is the closest hotel I know." Ryujin shrugs. "now that you're here, you can stay the night. I already paid it."

"you booked a hotel to shower? A suite?" Yeji's eyes widened.

"I don't want to smell like puke. This is the best option."

"are you gonna leave?" Yeji looks down.

"yes. I have nothing to do anymore." Ryujin noticed the change in Yeji's expression.

"can you tell me what happened after I got out of the bar?"


The girl suddenly threw up on her arm and shirt when Ryujin is about to open her car door.

"what the fuck!" Ryujin exclaimed. She pushes the girl away from her car.

She walks back to the bar and cleans up a little bit. Sadly, not her shirt. she smells disgusting.

"yes, of course. where's your house? I'm gonna take you home."

Ryujin heard Yeji and a guy. She ignores them at first. Then, Ryujin noticed that Yeji is hammered, not able to walk, talk, and move properly. Ryujin thinks that Yeji was drinking heavily.

"I don't... know... you... stranger..." Yeji weakly said to him.

"I'm not a stranger. we already know each other, right?" he insisted, guiding her outside the bar.

Ryujin decided to follow them outside, not too close, she leans on the wall beside the entrance. They go to the guy's car with a bit of struggle since Yeji is basically limp.

"who's car is this? uber?" Yeji starts pushing the guy.

"I told you I'm gonna take you home. Safely."

Hearing that, Ryujin can't stand it anymore. Seeing Yeji getting uncomfortable is also unpleasant. She approached them calmly, acting sober enough.

"get off her."

"who are you?" the guy looks at Ryujin.

"doesn't matter. Let her go."

"sorry, mate. She's my girlfriend." The guy continues to try to push Yeji inside the car.

"Ryujin? Shin? Is that you?" Yeji peeks over the guy's shoulder. "hi!"

"hey." Ryujin waved her hand at her. she then looks back at the guy. "she knows me. let her go."

"c'mon. you're ruining my night."

Ryujin steps closer. He might be taller and stronger than her but her courage is firing her up.

"do you know her name?" Ryujin just gave him a few seconds. "whoops. Time's up." she slaps him on the cheek with the back of her hand. "let her go."

"you wanna f-" another slap landed on his cheek before he can complete his words.

Yeji is leaning on the car, struggling to support herself. Ryujin reaches for her pocket, acting like she has a gun.

"you wanna leave or..." she looks at her hand that's hidden on her jacket.

"fuck you!"


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