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Ryujin walks out of her apartment, calling her other friend.

"I'm on my way. Is everyone coming?" Ryujin asked.

"not all. I brought my girlfriend, though."

"alright. Can you heat up my car? We'll have a race today." Ryujin said as she drives with one hand.

"on it. See ya, Shin."


Ryujin parked in front of a garage, a place where drag-racers are hanging out, complete with the track behind it. She checks herself out before getting out of the car and walks in to the building.

"ooh... how much is that?" Ryujin approached a car that caught her eyes.

"c'mon, Shin. You bought my car last year."

"we can switch cars, Winter. I can get you what you want." Ryujin smiles at her then proceeds to greet her with a hug. "oh, a new girl?"

"don't bring that up. she'll kick my ass." Winter whispered the last part. "the guys are in the back. a guy wants to challenge you."

"what's the bet?" Ryujin asked as they walk towards the track.


"damn. I just wanna lose at this point. Does he has another car to bet on?" Ryujin sighs. "just give him my other Ferrari."

"hey, we do this for fun. You can always give one to me." Winter joked. "that's the guy."

"it'll be fun if he bets on something more valuable."

Ryujin then enters her car, stepping on the gas just to show off her engine. She looks at the guy through the window and turns out he's already looking at her, somehow looking pissed.

"okay, pretty boy. Let's see what your baby can do."

Winter finally shoots the gun, indicating the start of the race. Ryujin immediately steps on the gas, going far in front of the guy. Surprisingly, he can catch up on Ryujin even though she technically still ahead of him. regardless, she has to focus on the race rather than her emotion.

"you're lucky. I almost got you there." The guy said to her after getting out of his car.

"almost." Ryujin leans on her car. "key." She extended her hand.

"I'd like to go for another." He challenged again while the car key is in his hand.

"just give me that." Ryujin reaches for it but he snatches it back. "don't make this hard for both of us. I never do rematch. You lose, you give me your bet."

"remember you take something from me." he steps closer.

"what now?" Ryujin raised an eyebrow.

"you... have been sleeping with my girl. I won't let you go that easily."

"huh? Have been? I've never slept with anyone twice. Are you sick in the head?" Ryujin got irritated. "c'mon, dude. Be fair."

"either you admit it or you won't get this car."

"I don't care about the car. If you just wanna pick fights with me, I really don't have time." Ryujin gives up. "go home, boy." She then enters her car.

Ryujin watches him go around her car kicking the bumper a few times. Getting mad, Ryujin gets out of the car, rushes towards him, and immediately kicks him on the stomach.

"what the fuck is your problem?!" Ryujin shouted. "your girl wants to fuck with me because you probably couldn't last for five second. Grow the fuck up, fucker." Ryujin kneels to check on her car. "you gotta pay for this."

"keep on dreaming."

Ryujin ignores him, gets into her car, and drives to the starting line. She gets out of the car, runs inside the garage, and brings out a sledgehammer.

"whoa, wait. What are you doing?" Winter noticed, grabbing her arm.

"I'm gonna destroy that bitch's car."

Turns out, he's already back, parking beside Ryujin's car. Ryujin rushes towards his car and swing her hammer right where he kicked her car, smashing his bumper worse than hers.

The guy gets out of his car, rushes towards Ryujin, and grabs her collar.

"what the fuck do you think you're doing?!" he pushed Ryujin away. "are you nuts?!"

Ryujin just stays still, watching him getting frustrated.

"you don't want to mess with me. go cry about it with your girlfriend." Ryujin hangs the hammer on her shoulder. "...and I don't need your car. You're wasting my time."

"just wait and see."

At last, Ryujin, Winter, and her girlfriend are hanging out in in the lounge area.

"who's that guy? He's annoying." Ryujin asked while enjoying her cold beer.

"I don't know. john? James? I'm sure he has a J in his name." Winter shrugs.

"I promised to hang out with Yeji in two hours." The girlfriend chimed in.

"did you say Yeji? Do you know her?" Ryujin leans forward.

"obviously." She replied. "why?"

"nothing. I just thought I heard her name somewhere."

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