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So far, Yeji has no problem living with Ryujin. It goes well just like most of her flings. At least, she stays longer than them. Though it bothers her when Ryujin said she still goes to the bar, she can't do anything about it. like she said, no strings attached.

"Minju..." Yeji called. "do we have any appointment today?"

"no. but you're invited to a dinner that Mr. Kim holds." Minju informed.


"this weekend, miss. I believe it's on Saturday." Minju added.

"okay. I can go home now." Yeji grabs her purse and stands up. "be sure to check everything before you leave."

Just a week ago, Yeji hired a driver. Not that she's lazy to drive, but, her schedules are already exhausting. If she has to drive all day, she'll pass out.

"can we go to the bar, please?" Yeji said to her driver.

"yes, miss."


Yeji is well aware of what she'll witness by coming here. She knows that Ryujin is here as well. This is the consequence of being with a player, with no official relationship. Both of them can do what they want.

Yeji sits at her usual spot. Not long after she ordered a drink, she noticed Ryujin, also in her usual table, surrounded by two to three girls. even so, Ryujin seems to be focusing on her phone.

"poor girls." Yeji scoffed. She doesn't know why she thought that she owns Ryujin.

"you're with her again?" Chris shows up with her drink.

"unfortunately." Yeji sips her drink.

"not many can make her stay. If you're lucky, she'll let you enter her life like her assistant does."

"I'm not her assistant. Besides, I can dump her anytime. I just don't want to." Yeji shrugs. "she doesn't even notice that I'm here."

"have a good night, then." Chris smiles at her, as if knowing something.

Yeji shook it off and just hang out by herself checking social medias, emails, and messages.

"what a pretty girl could be doing alone in this place?"

Yeji heard a default greeting by a guy sitting beside her.

"I don't know. testing my luck?" Yeji looks up from her phone.

"then, I guess you're lucky to see me." he stifles a laugh.

Honestly, this guy is way out of Yeji's type. He looks younger than her and he has no charisma at all. regardless, Yeji wants to have fun with him.

"I guess so." Yeji smiles naughtily. "what's your catch?"

"I'm handsome, smart, good with drinks, and... in bed." He brags.

"you sure about that?" Yeji scoffed. Of course, she doesn't buy that. so far, no one can beat Ryujin's skills, though, she's only been making out and stuck at the foreplay part.

"wanna find out?" he extended his hand.


Ryujin has been keeping an eye on Yeji. Only here, she can do whatever she wants. She lets Yeji have fun as well. Ryujin is confident enough to let Yeji do what she wants.

Ryujin catch her eyes. Yeji is taking glances at Ryujin, as if telling her that she's not the only one that can play around.

Yeji is currently making out with that guy earlier, with her leaning on the wall.

"how's it?" he asked.

"I can enjoy that." Yeji smirks. "too bad it not enough to impress me." Yeji looks over his shoulder. She noticed that Ryujin is already gone.

"I gave you my best, baby girl."

Yeji cringed at that but she tried to keep her straight expression. She rolled her eyes and placed her hand on his cheek.

"well, then, you failed. I gotta go now, pretty boy."


Yeji hurriedly gets out of the car, going inside her apartment building. She's somehow nervous, hoping that Ryujin went to her own apartment than Yeji's. soon, she unlocks her door, opening it slowly, looking for any sound from inside.

"having fun?"

Yeji flinched. She turns around and found Ryujin towering her. Yeji noticed that Ryujin is pretty drunk from her eyes.

"yes, I did." Yeji was trying to be brave. She's technically cornered by Ryujin by now.

"really? Was her better than me?" Ryujin looks down, adding a little smirk at the end.

"what if I say... he was?" Yeji teased her. "what would you do?"

"I'll let you fuck that guy." Ryujin leans closer, looking at her eyes, down to her lips.

"are you angry? Mad because he's better than you?" Yeji scoffed, placing her hand on Ryujin's chest to prevent her from moving closer.

"there's no way he's better than me." Ryujin suddenly punches the door. Seeing that Yeji flinched, Ryujin hold back a little. "honestly. Tell me."

"no one can top you, Shin Ryujin." Yeji thought it's not ideal to keep teasing her. "there. You happy?"

"but someone can surely top you." Ryujin smiles in satisfaction. She then picks Yeji up and starts kissing the girl roughly. "... and that is me."

Yeji gasps for air. Ryujin pinned her behind the bedroom door, no need to use the bed. She noticed a little blood on Yeji's lips. Even so, Ryujin continues to be rough on the girl.

"what makes you think like you own me?" Yeji said, between kisses.

"because I do." Ryujin stares into Yeji's eyes with her drunkenly gaze. "at the end of the day... I will go back to you. I will make sure that you do the same."

WIN (RYEJI AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora