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Yeji wakes up to the sound of an alarm. She's not used to having an alarm since her body has its own alarm. This is too early for her to wake up.

"Jin..." Yeji shakes her body. "Yujin."


"did you set an alarm? Turn it off." Yeji groans.

"no, I didn't." Yujin checks her phone, anyway. "ah, shit." Yujin lazily gets out of the bed and goes to the bathroom.

"where are you going?" Yeji sits up.

"I have to meet up with someone. I'll open a new bakery." Yujin replied, walking out of the bathroom. "I'll come again later." She quickly gives the girl a kiss on the head.


After Yujin left, Yeji prepares herself to go to her company.


Walking in her office, Yeji's assistant approaches her.

"Mr. Shin wants to see you. he called earlier."

"didn't I tell you that everyone that wants to meet me has to make an appointment?" Yeji sits on her desk, turning on her laptop.

"he did contacted us a few times but he didn't get any response from us. we have too much emails and calls, maybe we missed it."

Yeji quickly checks her emails, looking for the mail from Shin Corp. then, she found it. Reading it briefly, she thought it's not a big matter. Just an affiliation offer and stock buying notification.

"I don't see any reason that we should meet up."

"I thought so too." said the assistant. "do you think we should accept the affiliation offer?"

"I need to know the details. Many wants to buy this company. some of them hides behind that word. We're doing fine on our own, considering the companies under us are thriving. I'm happy with what we have, Minju." Yeji looks up at her.

"okay. I'll let them know."


In the midst of monitoring the company, Yeji's focus got interrupted by knocks on her glass door. A man in a suit can be seen with a girl. a familiar girl to be exact. Regardless, she has to be professional.

"good afternoon." Yeji and the man exchanged a firm handshake. "are you, perhaps, Mr. Shin?" Yeji sits down on the couch, followed by the other two.

"yes. I'm here to give you an offer." Jinyoung put the document on the table. "can you get off your phone for a bit." He looks at Ryujin.

"she won't take it. Your offer is too obvious. It's not beneficial to her and if it failed, our company will be the one suffering. Do you want that?" Ryujin looks up, putting her phone in her pocket.

"that is actually what I'm thinking." Yeji nods. "may I know your name?"

"she's Shin Ry-" "Shin. Only Shin." Ryujin cut her uncle's words.

"she's my daughter. I want her to learn something so I brought her here." Jinyoung smiles at her.

"your offer might work if you make some adjustments to the percentage of the profit. I have other companies that gave way better offer than this." Yeji closed the document.

"twenty seven percent." Ryujin chimed in.

"what? no! that's too big." Jinyoung whispered to Ryujin. "I'm so sorry. She likes to play around." He stifles an awkward laugh.

Ryujin sighs, opening the document again. She reads it briefly, looking for a section.

"this. make it twenty seven." Ryujin pointed. "your company is great, I admit. You have a long way to go to keep up with ours, though." Ryujin smiles a little. "consider this as our help."

"help? I'd like it better if we can work together." Yeji doesn't need to be pitied.

"then this one... ten percent. You will still get good profit." Ryujin pointed at another section.

"aren't you risking too much?" Yeji then looks at Jinyoung. "your daughter is quite brave."

"if she puts her mind to it, then... I can't do much." Jinyoung gives up on Ryujin.

"I trust your company enough to come here, talk to you face to face, and negotiate with you. we know you can improve your company. not only us, many companies wants to work with you, even buy your promising company." Ryujin tried to get to her mind. "if you work with us, those other companies won't be able to buy anything from you. seeing that you like to be independent, this is our only offer. It's a good deal for me."

"send me the revised documents. I'll consider it." Yeji smiles at them.

"really?" Jinyoung sounds surprised. "thank you so much."

"it's no problem. I'll keep you updated."

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