Chapter 96: Back to the forest

Start from the beginning

The first one went to Roygun, the second to Masomi, the third to Valerie and the last one to Kuroka.

Rossweisse: Hum... should we help them?

Eos: I don't remember helping you guys whek you fought your Dragons, girls. Let them be tested.

Xenovia: Yes but-

Eos: Have you seen Valianah? Dragons are creatures of pride. Take part in their fight and they'll attack with the intention to kill... So, just sit down and relax for a bit. It's gonna be fine, I assure you.

I then sat down and was quickly followed by the girls, waiting for the others to return.

POV 3rd Person

Crom Cruach dodged the fire blast of the Dragon but was to slow to avoid it's giant paw, smashing him into the ground.

Crom: Argh! You mother...

The black Dragon kicked the red one into the air and followed after him. He punched it into the face, however, the orbs on it's body started to glow. Crom didn't pay attention to it and went for another attack. However, he was tackled from behind by a copy of the Odd-Eyes Dragon, sending him into rocks nearby. The orbs on both Dragons started to glow once more two new copies appeared.

Crom: So each time you land a hit, you multiply yourself by two...? Great...

Masaomi ran away from the Dragon that kept throwing fire balls at him, burning down the forest.

Masaomi: Tss! This thing is fast!

He used his Devil wings to fly up into the air. Since the Dragon seemingly had no wing, the former exorcist thought that he could escape this way. However, the two blades on top were in fact the wings of this beast. It summoned four huge blades out of magic circles and sent it toward Yaegeki. Thankfully, he was able to detroy them with his Holy sword. He then stopped in his flight and rushed down towards the Dragon.

Masaomi: I'm taking you down!

He slashed across the chest of the Dragon, maning it release a shriek of pain and fell to the ground. The Knight of Infernus landed next to it and carressed the wound.

Masaomi: Odd Eyes Saber Dragon. Please, become my partner.

Roygun was chased by the Dragonand for some reason, when the orbs on it's body were glowing, she couldn't use magic.

She got bashed into nearby rocks by the lance of the Odd Eyes.

Roygun: Why can't I use my magic against you?! That's so... tch! Whatever!

She dodged the next hit and sent out fire to the Dragon. However, it was able to fly around it and went to crash into Belphegor. Thank Satan, she was able to let out her wings and fly away from the attack.

Roygun: Take that!

As the had it's lance stuck in the ground, the Pawn was able to hit it with a powerful darkness attack, making huge damage to it but destroying the ground at the same time, freeing the beast.

It then went back up and head butted the horny horned Devil.

Roygun: Oh... that one hurts... oh yeah, I forgot that I was a Pawn now. Promotion! Rook!

She dodged the next attack and sent a powerful punch into the stomach of the Dragon, knocking it out.

Roygun: You don't have much resistance... but your ability to negate magic will greatly help us in next Rating Games!

The wizard Dragon sent out powerful attack towards Kuroka but the Nekomata was able to hide her presence with her senjoutsu. The beast looked around, searching for it's opponent and roared in frustration, sending out powerful beams in every direction. It then summoned two magic circles in it's hands, scanning the area.

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