The Mysterious Women

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Copia kneels on the hard ground, eyes wide with brows raised towards the middle in a shocked fashion that left his forehead creased as he stares at the unconscious dark haired woman. She was here, as real flesh and blood. Not some dreamed up figment his imagination conjured in a supernatural storm. His mind kicks into gear and stumbles over a myriad of rushing thoughts. If she was real, who -or what- gave him those visions? Was it a premonition of some kind? It might've been, but he couldn't know for sure.

And the crater, created by the magic fueled lightning. It had to have been from one of them. Was it her that caused it, or her frail companion? Power was hard to judge by look alone, and he couldn't tell now as he reached out and felt theirs with his own aura, both women incredibly weak, too much so to get a proper read. From his brief intrusion he couldn't fathom how they were even still alive.

'Why did I not send my Ghouls out to search the woods sooner?' he inwardly chastised himself. It had been over 12 hours since the event happened. Being so early in spring it was frigid to say the least. They should be frozen to death after all that time, exposed to the elements as they were. Yet here they sit. Alive, but barely.

Swiss takes a cautious step closer before the girl snaps her head in his direction and tries again to knock him back with her powers. Unfortunately she's far too cold and fatigued and only managed another, yet weaker, gust of wind that barely ruffles his clothing before she sags down and slumps in on herself with a whimper. He still stops after the one step though as he watches fresh tears fall from her closed eyes.

"Piccolina, little one, we don't mean you harm," Copia hesitantly says in what he hoped was a soft, calm tone. He stayed kneeled where he was, raising his hand slightly and motioning for the others to stay put. None of the Ghouls move from where they are, watching him intently for his next command, just as confused by the scene in front of them.

"H-how can I t-tr-trust you?" She stutters in a soft reply, her body starting to tremble harshly, arm still raised slightly in defense, though her fingers relax and curl down slightly. "You c-come with f-f-five other d-demons! Are y-you h-here to kill us, t-too? Like them?"

"No. We only want to help you, love," Aether says softly, shaking his head slightly. Confusion flashes in his eyes, however, when she calls them demons, that look deepening when she asks her questions. 'Like them?' That just raised more questions. But now wasn't the time. Aether turns his gaze and thoughts back to the two in front of them. Even Dew has calmed down and is looking at the women with a sad expression. Cumulus stands between him and Mountain with tears in her eyes. Mountain's jaw is clenched tightly behind his mask, an unreadable expression in his eyes.

Copia slowly stands in a half stoop, his knees clicking lightly as he takes a few tentative steps closer to her before dropping slowly back to one knee.

"This I swear to you, Piccolina. You will be safe under my protection. I give my word, sworn before Lucifer below. Neither the Ghouls under my control nor myself shall willfully harm you or your companion." He looks at her face trying to read her expression, a hand coming to rest over his heart in a sincere gesture even though she cannot see it.

"I don't t-trust you," she blinks before glancing in the direction of his voice, tears slowly falling. She lowers her arm, brushing the other woman's hair from her face, choking back a sob. "But I have n-no choice. My sister. P-please. I can feel her fading."

With a glance from Copia, Aether rushes forward until he kneels next to the pair, gently pulling the limp older woman off her sister's lap and into his own. He cradles her gently as Cumulus goes to the younger girl, quickly throwing her jacket off before wrapping it around the girl's shuddering shoulders. She sighs into the warmth, pulling it closed tightly. Reaching out with his powers, Aether passes his hand above the woman's body., palm softly glowing He can feel that, while strong, what little life energy she had was indeed quickly fading so he channeled a sliver of his own energy into her to give her some extra strength, hopefully buying them more time.

"Boss, she needs immediate attention. Even as fast as we are, I don't think we can run her all the way back in time. I need to phaze her to the infirmary if she's to make it." His voice is steady and calm, but those who know him can hear the tightly laced worried quiver in his tone.

"No," Copia shakes his head, Aether looking up at him with question. "Take her to my chambers. I trust only you, my Ghouls, to care for her. Dew, you go fetch anything Aether needs from the infirmary to tend to her. But be discreet, si?!"

That was a tall order for the fiery little Ghoul, but he knew Dew could manage it. He could be serious and focused when the time called for it. Copia looked at him with stern eyes to get that point across. Dew meets the gaze and nods. Aether nods as well and clutches the woman closer to his solid mass, their forms shimmering faintly with a violet hue before they disappear. Dew hesitates, debating on the quickest route back to the Ministry. He knew he was the fastest of the Ghouls, but even he now doubted his speed in this time of need for urgency.

"You can phaze too. Just hurry!" Copia exclaims with a wave of dismissal. Dew jumps at the suddenness and nods before also disappearing in a soft red tinted shimmer.

Normally, Ghouls were forbidden to use this power within the grounds of the Ministry, however time was too important to waste right now. A life was on the line. And if they somehow were found out Copia would be sure to take the brunt of the punishment. They were given his permission, after all.

With his two ghouls gone Copia looks at the slight girl who still sits upon the cold ground, violently shivering in the jacket. The tip of her nose, lips and cheeks had a worrying blue shade to them, as did her fingers and toes. He was worried frostbite of some kind was setting in. They needed to get her warmed up, and soon.

"Come. We must get you inside, si? How you've not frozen to death before now is a miracle."

"No miracle. M-magic. It's left me drained," the girl says slowly, fighting back her stutter, unfocused eyes cast unseeing to the ground in front of her.

Copia nods in understanding, though questions swarm his head. He remains silent, however, and instead stands once more, stiffly walking the few paces to her before reaching out. He stops his reach before he touches her; He doesn't want to scare her further by just grabbing her. "Let me take your hands and help you up. Then we'll get you safely inside."

She nods and reaches up a bit and waits until he lightly grasps her hands and he can feel the cold radiating from her through his leather gloves. Helping her to her feet with a gentle pull, he asks, "Are you able to walk?"

"I... I think so?" She pulls her hands from his and takes a tentative unsteady step, then another. She only manages to amble a few slow paces before her legs give out and she tumbles forward with a small shriek of alarm, arms outstretched to break her fall but before she meets the ground, and before anyone else can react, Mountain swoops over and catches her, their height difference causing him to bend at the waist whilst also crouching slightly at the knees, his long arms holding gently around her waist.

"Save your strength. Let me carry you?" His voice is soft and low in tone against her ear. She's too tired to resist so she simply nods, and if she were warmer a blush would be seen creeping along her cheeks.

Now with her approval he stoops down further, sweeping an arm behind her knees with one arm, the other still circling around her back as he lifts, her giving a small sound of surprise, until he's cradling her bridal style with ease. He looks down to her gentle features and his eyes soften before he looks to his Cardinal.

"To my chambers. Quick as you can, and don't be seen," Copia orders. Mountain nods and sets off in swift wide strides, leaving Copia, Swiss and Cumulus scrambling to catch up. 

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