Busy before Beltaine

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Song used: Tanzt Mit Mir by Faun

Pounding reverberates through the empty hall of the clergy's wing as a tall stocky ghoul bangs his fist against a door, trying to gain the attention of who's supposed to be inside. Everyone else has long been in their respective classes or offices, now getting antsy for the mid day meal.

"C'mon, answer the door already," the ghoul sighs, raising his hand to knock again. Before his fist makes contact he hears an annoyed voice call from behind him.

"Pray tell, why are you making enough noise to rival a herd of stampeding elk?"

"Lilit," he turns and smiles down at the short blonde woman leaning against her walking stick with an amused smile on her face.   "Good afternoon, love. I can't find your sister anywhere and she was due in the kitchens this morning, so I came to look for her. Would you happen to know where she is?"

"No idea," she shrugs. "She wasn't here when I got back late last night, and she wasn't here when I got up. And I can tell you right now she still isn't in there." Her eyes glow briefly as they glance around towards her shared rooms. "I don't see her aura in there."

"That's unusual. Why didn't you let one of us know?"

"She is a grown woman. And somethings been going on with her lately so I've been trying to give her some space. It's not like she could get very far anyway, right?" He rubs the back of his neck and shrugs. She looks towards him, her face falling with worry now.   "Right, Aether...?"

"I don't know, love, but I'll find her. Don't worry." He ruffled her hair as he walked past her, causing her groan and swat blindly after him before sticking her tongue out playfully.

He tried not to show it but he was getting worried not being able to find Annie. Rain had told him about what happened the day before. Being so busy he hadn't noticed anything for himself, but if Rain was worried enough to speak a small novel's worth about it to him then it was something serious indeed. Maybe Copia would know?

'Come to think of it, I haven't seen much of him today either. Then again I haven't had a chance to stop by his office today. Damm festival. Well since I'm here I may as well check his room first before going all the way to his office.'

He stops in front of Copias door and grabs his key from his pocket. Unlocking the door he steps in and looks around. The living room and kitchen are empty, the only thing out of place being some dishes left on the island in the kitchen. With a shake of his head he shuts the door behind him and crosses the room to the closed bedroom door. He turns the knob and opens it, sticking his head in to look around. When his eyes fall on the bed they go wide.

Copia lay sleeping on his back, partially covered with the blankets, his right arm raised above his head to rest on the pillows. His left is wrapped around the missing sister who's curled up into his side, an arm draped over his middle and a leg hooked over his thigh.  Her head rested on his chest where she snored lightly. Both had peaceful looks on their faces, more peaceful than Aether had ever seen from them before.

'Well then,' he thought to himself as he backed out of the room, closing the door gently. 'May as well let them be for now.'

He stood in the main area, contemplating his next course of action. He decided to wash up the abandoned dishes before exiting Copias chambers heading back down to the girl's room, locking the door behind him. He knocked lightly and waited.

"Yes?" Lilit asked, opening the door a crack.

"It's me, love. Found your sister."

Lilit opens the door widely to allow him inside. "That was fast. Is she alright?"

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