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"Enough, all of you!" Sister Imperator cuts through the still heated discussion, glaring at each of those present individually with her piercing gaze as each member of the High Clergy clamp their mouths shut, whether they be mid sentence or not to face her. She stands gracefully and clasps her hands together in front of her.

"Though the events of this morning eludes our capacity to explain with reason, we are all in agreement that we must keep our congregation calm this day," Imperator sighed tiredly.

A couple hours of fevered debate and arguments got them no closer to determining a rational cause for the unnerving phenomena that held everyone in a fearful grasp. Lack of sleep and tempers that seemed to rise with the waking sun were a delightful mix to start the long day ahead.

The men gathered at the long table nodded solemnly.

"Classes will go on as scheduled today. I've already had the Ghouls spread the word. Resume your duties and if anything is discovered, alert me immediately. I must call Papa and inform him of the event. You are all dismissed."

The men stood and bowed to the stern woman before quickly making their way out of the office, not wanting to incur her temper further, splitting in the halls to return to their respective offices or classrooms.

Copia was the last to stand and follow the group. Before he reached the door, Imperator called out to him causing him to freeze in place.

"I know you do not have any classes scheduled for today, Cardinal. I want you in the library, looking through our archives for anything that could shed light on this situation. Do not let me down."

He turned and bowed his head, eyes cast to the floor, "That was my plan, Sister. I shall do my best."

With that he exited the room, closing the sturdy door behind him. Standing in the empty hall he took in a deep steadying breath, pressing his palm to his left temple. He waited a few moments, the pressure of his palm easing that which he felt behind his eye. With a sigh, he lowered his arm and turned, intending to set off down the bright hall. Instead, he met with a solid mass of flesh and fabric, the impact knocking him back with a small 'oof'. A low chuckle rumbled from the chest of the tall Ghoul.

"One of these days, it won't be one of us you run into, Boss. You need to be more careful."

"Si I know I know. Forgive me, I'm distracted this morning." Copia huffed, leaning his head back to meet his tallest Ghoul's deep green eyes. "What brings you here, Mountain?"

"I'm here to escort you," he stated simply.

"You did not need to, but thank you. Come," Copia stepped past the lanky ghoul and wandered along the corridor. Mountain nodded and fell in step behind him. As they neared the common areas the ambient sounds included that of the Brothers and Sisters making their way to their early morning classes. Normally, the air would be abuzz with chatter and giggles. Today it was quiet. Too many heads clouded with worry to allow normalcy.

Copia ignored them, his cassock rustling against his ankles as he ambled to the waiting library, eager to delve into the dusty tomes of the archive. He prayed to the Dark One that he would find something to shed light on this morning's events.

Pushing through the wide double doors, Copia gave the room a quick glance over before trailing down a far aisles of tall shelves. The farther back he went the dustier the casings and dark shelves grew.

This area of the vast library, separated by a sturdy gated barrier, was restricted to only the High Clergy, so it was no surprise to see it in such a state. Not many had reason to search these shelves when most knowledge sought could be found with the rest of the collection near the front desk. Copia coughed when some rogue dust flared up into his nose, sniffling away a sneeze.

Bloody Angel Book 1Where stories live. Discover now