The Garden

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Copia paced restlessly in his office, one arm tucked behind his back, his other hand clamped lightly on his chin with a finger tapping against his lips. He'd been spiraling into a nervous wreck the longer the week went on, unable to sit still or focus on his paperwork for more than a few minutes at a time.

Annie had been moved into the rooms she would share with Lilit after his bedroom door was destroyed. He couldn't allow her to remain in his room with no privacy, that simply wouldn't do. Especially when it would take another week or so for a new door to be delivered. Something about the dimensions made it so it had to be custom made to fit.

What he hadn't anticipated with this move was her refusing to see anyone other than Aether or Cumulus. And Lilit, of course. He could understand where she was coming from, though. So much happening at once, all the new people in her life. It was overwhelming after what she went through. But he couldn't deny; he missed her terribly. The updates he got from his Ghouls only reassured him so much.

His favorite time of day was sitting with her at night. It's what made his tedious Cardinal duties bearable, knowing she would be there waiting. With her absence the nagging push in the back of his mind was rearing its head, prodding and pushing at him to go to her once more. How he longed to selfishly give in to its demands, but he knew he couldn't. It would be wrong to force himself into her life when she so clearly needed space.

With a huff he turns and steps behind his desk, ruffling through the thick stack of papers with disinterest as he eased onto his chair. Focus, that's what he needed. Just needed to clear his mind, grab a random sheet to start on and keep going until his thoughts-

Were interrupted by a firm knock on his door. He sighs deeply and slaps the sheet of paper he'd grabbed onto the pile before leaning back in his seat, bringing a hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose with annoyance.

"Entra!" He calls out, unable to hide the aggravated tone behind the word.

"Is this a bad time, Sir?" Seth asks as he steps into the office, closing the door behind him. "I'm sorry to interrupt."

"Eh, it's fine," Copia waves his hand in dismissal of his concerns, sitting up more. "What can I do for you, Seth? I do not have a meeting scheduled with you for today."

"That's cuz we don't have one, Sir. Aether flagged me down between classes. Asked me to come get you."

"Perché? Le ragazze stanno bene?" Copia says quickly as he jumps to his feet, looking at the young man with slight alarm.

"They're fine, Sir. Don't you think Aether would've phazed if something were wrong?"

"Ah, I suppose, si." He relaxes back onto his chair and takes a calming breath. "If they are well then what does our dear Aether need, hmm?"

"He just asked if you could meet him in Primos garden when you had a chance. Didn't say why." Seth explains with a shrug. "It'll probably do you some good to get some sun anyway. I know you've been having a rough week."

Copia nods with a long sigh, looking to his stacks of papers. "It is never ending. And I have not been able to focus enough to finish them all before a new pile appears the next day."

The younger man steps over to the desk and flips through some of the documents, nodding his head. "Why don't I do some of these for you? Fill them out and leave them for your signature?"

"Ah, I couldn't ask you to do that. You have your own schedule to keep," the Cardinal shakes his head and reaches for the papers Seth was holding. The man pulls them away from his reach and shakes his head.

"I insist. All I had left today was a repeat class about demonology and their hierarchy. Nothing I don't already know."


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