Back to Work

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Copia woke again a few hours later, his internal clock prodding him to start his day.  He groaned into his hands as he rubbed his face before tangling his fingers into his hair. He did not want to get up.

As much as he wanted to resist and get more sleep, he knew he still had to do his basic Cardinal duties in preparation for tomorrow's Midnight Mass. Mass that he was scheduled to lead.

"Cazzo!!" He hissed sitting up, swinging his legs off the couch to rest his feet on the floor, slouching forward with his forearms resting on his knees. Mass was the last thing on his mind. He had the girls to take care of right now.

Then again, he didn't want to raise any suspicions and draw attention to the girls being here. Not just yet.

So, work it was.

His Ghouls were more than capable of watching the sisters while he was in his office.

He rises with a soft groan and shuffles to his kitchen area, flicking on the light over the sink and sets about starting a fresh pot of coffee. Setting it to brew he looks into the room.

Mountain lay with Lilit still snuggled up on his chest. One of his arms wrapped protectively around her, the other draped over his eyes to block the light from the kitchen.

A soft noise turns his gaze to Cumulus who's slowly waking, stretching her arms up before scratching behind her ear. She cracks her eyes open and squints towards Copia. He smiles at her and gives a little wave before turning back to coffee, now fully brewed.

He grabs a mug from the cabinet and holds it towards Cumulus with a questioning shrug. She nods and folds up her blanket before draping it over the back of her chair.

Pulling a second mug out, he fills one to the brim, the other halfway, ducking down to rummage in his small fridge before pulling out a bottle of caramel-vanilla creamer. He uses it to top off the half-filled mug.

Setting the creamer on the counter he pads quietly back to the sitting area, handing Cumulus the mug of black coffee. She smiles up at him in thanks and takes a small sip as she sits back.

He pats the top of her head before turning to his bedroom, sipping at his own mug.

Before he can open the door, Dew comes stumbling out looking much like a sleepwalking zombie, complete with groans and all. He shuffles to the kitchen and grabs the coffee pot and raises it to his lips, chugging the hot brew right from the pot.

Copia pinches the bridge of his nose and shakes his head, walking through the now open door to carry out the rest of his morning routine.

Once showered and dressed in a fresh suit and cassock, he grabs his paints and walks out of the bathroom. He motions for Aether to follow him into the sitting room where the other Ghouls are gathered.

Dew is sitting on the counter, chugging a fresh pot of coffee right from the pot. Copia gives him a disapproving glare before motioning Cumulus to join them.

"Though I long to remain here, I must resume my duties today. Best not to draw attention to ourselves," he starts as he hands Cumulus the paints, taking a seat on a stool on the other side of the island and facing her with his eyes closed so she could apply his Cardinal paint.

"Dew, you're to go back to the dens and send Swiss to relieve Aether. I know you're in need of sleep."

Aether nods and stifles a yawn. "She's made it through the worst of it so I'm fairly positive she will be okay today."

"If Swiss could bring me a change of clothes I have no problem staying here today," Cumulus says softly as she finishes painting his eyes.

"Hmm, don't forget clothes for Mountain. I'm sure he'll stay here as well. He's taken quite a liking to the Piccolina," Copia smiles softly and opens his eyes to look at his tired Ghouls. He sees Mountain raise a thumbs up from where he's laying before he drapes his arm back over his eyes.

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