Per Te, Amore

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(Song used is Per Te by Josh Groban)

He stands and helps her to her feet before fetching his discarded gloves and her robe, holding it open for her to slide on. He adjusts it on her shoulders before trying it closed. Satisfied, he looks for slippers of some kind.

"I don't have any," she says as if she's reading his mind. "Never needed them. I'll be fine. I walked around barefoot all day, after all."

He chuckles lightly and shakes his head, taking hold of her right hand. "Do your feet not get cold? Mine always do."

"Sometimes. But nothing I can't handle." She smiles at him as he leads her from her rooms to the hall. "I like feeling the ground under me. It's, well, grounding."

"A witchy thing, I take it?"

"Mhmm. Connecting with nature and Mother Earth is one of the first things we are taught. It helps us focus when we first come into our powers."

He looks down at her from the corner of his eye with a raised eyebrow. "How soon do witches come into their powers?"

"Well, it's different for each of us. Some are late bloomers, like Lilit. She started getting hers after Ma left us. That was fun, let me tell you." She shakes her head and sighs, looking to the floor in front of them.

"And you?"

"Me? Well, according to Ma, I alwa- oof!" She stumbles back when her left shoulder bumps into someone passing them in the hall. "Sorry about that! Anyway, apparently, I had some kind of magic from the day I was born."

"Are you okay, Annie? You just stumbled over nothing."

"Hmm? Oh, no. I bumped into…" she turns to look down the hall but sees no one. She shakes her head and shrugs. "I mean. I thought I bumped into someone."

"No one has passed us, amore. Come, let's get you inside." He stops before his door and pats at his pockets, looking for his keys. "Cazzo…I left my cassock on your couch. My keys are in the pocket."

Annie giggles and squeezes his hand gently. "You forget you're with a witch, Hun. Locks aren't much trouble. Here," she steps forward and holds her hand up, flicking her wrist as she curls her fingers. He hears the faint click of his lock sliding open.

"Every day you amaze me more and more, Cara," he says as he turns, pulling her lightly into him.

"It wasn't that amazing, Copia," she leans against him, looking up into his eyes.

"Well, I think it is. Mia bella Dea with so many talents and gifts."

"Oh hush. Are you gonna just stand there and compliment me, or are you gonna kiss me? If not, let's go inside." Her tone is light, a playful smile on her lips.

"Why not all three?" He lets out a light laugh before leaning down to kiss her. She lifts her face to meet his lips, her hands sliding up his chest as he reaches behind to open his door. He steps through, pulling her along without breaking their soft kiss, pushing the door closed once they're through the threshold.

"Potrei baciare le tue dolci labbra tutto il giorno," he sighs as he pulls away from her.

"Copia, you're doing it again," she rolls her eyes playfully.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Cara. I will try to remember."

"I like hearing you speak it. I just hate that I don't understand."

He kisses her forehead lightly and smiles. "I'll teach you then. If not to speak it, then to understand, if you'd like."

"I'm sure I'll pick up on it eventually. I've recognized a few already. Why don't you go cha-" her stomach growls loudly then, interrupting her sentence. His eyebrows raise lightly as he looks at her.

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