The Meeting

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Before the bells struck the next hour, the lone man was startled by a sharp, brisk series of knocks from the main door to his chambers. He tossed back the covers with a groan and rose from his still damp sheets, shivering when his bare feet met the cold stone floor.
'𝘊𝘢𝘻𝘻𝘰 𝘤𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘥𝘥𝘰! 𝘐 𝘮𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘶𝘺 𝘢 𝘳𝘶𝘨', he thought to himself as he padded out of his bedroom and through the main living room, forgoing his robe which hung from the post at the foot of his bed. Upon reaching the heavy door he sighed and took a steady breath, running his hands over his face and through his tousled hair before turning the lock and cracking it open to peer into the dimly re-lit corridor. On the opposing side he came face to face with a masked Ghoul he recognized as one of his; Aether.

"Si?" He inquired wearily, though he subconsciously knew the reason for this early visit.

"Copia, Sir, the High Clergy have been summoned to an emergency meeting. I was sent to fetch you and bring you to Imperator's office," Aether iterated in his calm accented voice, giving his head a slight bow, his right hand coming to rest over his chest.

Copia nodded and sighed again. "Si, si. I'll be right there. No need to wait and escort me," he told the Ghoul, but he knew it wouldn't matter. After that unnatural occurrence he doubted Aether would leave him unaccompanied, so instead he opened the door wider to allow Aether entry and stepped back towards his room, stopping at his wardrobe to grab a suit and his cassock before stepping into the tiled bathroom. Flicking on the light he winced, waiting a moment for his eyes to adjust to the sudden brightness that radiated from the bulbs above his mirror.

After washing and drying his face and neck, he pulled on his tight fitted black suit, nimbly buttoning his top before he stooped over the sink, glaring tiredly into the mirror to apply his Cardinal paint. Once satisfied with the clean paint lines he slicked back his hair before pulling the black cassock over his head, adjusting it so it rested neatly over his suit as he stepped out of the bathroom. He walks over to the living room, buttoning the garment closed before reaching for the fascia that lay draped over the back of the plush sofa nearest the door. A muffled chuckle is let out by the Ghoul standing by the door, causing Copia to glance up with a confused expression.

"You've, um," Aether coughs nervously, "forgotten your shoes, Sir."

Copia flushes as he looks down at his bare feet before quickly shuffling back into his bedroom. Aether shakes his head though his eyes shine with amusement. It was little things like this that made them adore their Cardinal.
Moments later the flustered man emerges once more, a pair of polished black leather shoes now donning his feet, his biretta clutched in his gloved hand which he passes to the Ghoul before once more reaching for the sash. Once it is secured properly around his form he takes back the cap from Aether, placing it upon his head, tucking away misbehaving locks of his soft brown hair.

"Da-na!" He exclaims with a small lopsided smile, holding his arms out. "Pretty sharp now, Si?"

"Absolutely, Boss." Aether turns and opens the door, stepping into the hall followed closely by the Cardinal. After ensuring the lock is turned in place he falls in step with the Ghoul, heading down the hall towards the clergy offices.

Rounding the first corner, Copia lightly clears his throat and licks his dry lips before drawing in a soft breath.
"Aether... What do you make of what happened?" He cautiously asked.

"I'm not sure," the Ghoul responds hesitantly. "It was unnatural. That's all I know."

"Si, si. That much is certain. But you have some ideas, no? You've existed so long surely you or one of the others would have some insight."

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