Emotional Reunion

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Copia and Annie jump apart in panicked frenzy, their heads snapping to look at the sudden commotion that brings them out of whatever trance-like state they were in when Mountain is thrown through the bedroom door by the upset little witch, the door exploding in a violent crash of splintered wood.

"I told you to move, Mountain! Where is my sister?!” Lilit yells out as she steps through the threshold over the scattered debris. Cumulus rushes past her and kneels next to the groaning Ghoul.

"Piccolina?" Copia calls out from his spot on the floor next to the bed where he sits with Annie on his lap, still frozen in shock from the explosive entrance. Her face snaps around towards the sound of his voice, her eyes darting around.

"Where is she, Copia? Sunshine said she was awake!"

"S..si. just, stay there and, ah, give me a moment," he hooks an arm under Annie's legs, the other wrapping around her back as he shifts his legs beneath him before lifting her with a small grunt, standing with a surprisingly graceful motion of strength and coordination.

Annie blushes as she's held cradled tightly against him until he turns to set her gently on the bed. Lilit reaches out in front of her, feeling for the bed as she moves towards it, wincing as pieces of door dig into the bottoms of her bare feet before Copia has a chance to help her.

"Be careful, little bug," Annie lightly scolds in her gravelly voice. Lilits face lights up and she launches on the bed once her fingers brush the covers, scrambling over to her sister who greets with open arms. The girls clutch at each other, the smaller woman starting to sob into her sister's chest. Copia steps back as he watches them, smiling warmly at their reunion.

"Annie! You're okay!" Lilit sniffles and holds tighter, nuzzling into her chest smearing away tears.

"I am. Ég er hérna." Annie strokes her hair, trying to soothe the younger sister as she looks her over, making sure she is indeed okay and unharmed.

"Vorblóm, what happened to your hair?"

"We had to cut it. It was so tangled and singed," Lilit pulls back and wipes at her eyes before smiling. "Cumulus did it for me. Do you like it?"

"It's very you, bug. Who's Cumulus?"

"Ah, ehm. That would be my Ghoulette over there helping Mountain," Copia pipes up, looking over to the now sitting yet still dazed Ghoul on the floor, Cumulus lifting his shirt and prodding at him to make sure nothing was broken from his harsh impact on the wall.

Lilits smile drops and her eyes widen as she gasps as she moves quickly, crawling down the bed before climbing clumsily over the footboard intending to go to him.

"Oh, no! No... Mountain! I'm... I'm so sorry. Is he okay? Did I hurt him?" Her voice racked with guilt and worry. Copia catches her arm and pulls her into him, Annie watching the interaction intently.

"It's okay, Piccolina," he strokes his hand lightly over her hair as he holds her in a warm embrace. "Cumulus is making sure he's okay. I am sure he knows you didn't mean it, si?"

"No...please, let me go to him Copia," Lilit begs softly as she tries to pull from his arms.

He sighs and nods before pulling back to take her hands as he walks her over to the downed Ghoul, careful to ensure she doesn't step on any more wood pieces. He places her hand on his shoulder and steps back.

"Hi there, Little One," Mountain laughs before groaning as he looks up to her.

"Oh, Mounty," she whispers, lip trembling as she sinks to get knees holding back a fresh wave of tears. "I wouldn't...I never... But I did! A-and I hurt you! I'm s-so s-s-sorry!"

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