Hexes and Spells

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Lilit clung to Mountain, tears flowing freely from her eyes as he tried to comfort her. He would be lying if he said waking up to Annie screaming from her nightmare and witnessing her thrashing about like that hadn't shaken him, but he had been around numerous times where Lilit had to rouse her sister from a nightmare and that… that was something else.

"Käraste, are you alright?" He asks with a kiss to her forehead after she seems to calm. She shakes her head and sniffles.

"She's never hit me before. Even with the other nightmares." Her hand comes up to rub her cheek. "That nightmare wasn't normal."

"I was thinking the same. But what could it have been?"

Lilit shakes her head and rolls over into her back, her robe falling open as she rubs her forehead. He smiles softly and shifts down in the bed, resting his head against her exposed breast with his arm wrapped loosely around her waist. He nuzzles into her softly, a gentle purr sounding from the back of his throat as his tail sways lazily behind him. 

"You are the clingiest cat ever, you know that Mounty?" She teases with a smile, running her fingers through his hair. "But I don't know what it could have been."

"Did you feel anything?"

"I'm not sure. I was too worried about her to really focus."

He turns his eyes up towards her, ears twitching as he hears the trio leave the other room to go on their outing. "They just left. Do you think you would be able to feel anything residually?

Lilit shrugs and sighs. "Maybe? I'm so tired today, and after waking up like that I just want to go back to sleep."

Mountain raises up into his arm and looks down at her. "Why are you so tired?"

"I just am. And no, it's not because of all the fun we had last night," she giggles softly, tapping her finger against his nose as he gives a sly smirk. "Despite being tired, I should go see if I can feel anything. Let me up?"

He slides off the bed before helping her up, pouting slightly when she pulls her robe closed and ties it tight as she walks to the door, leaving her room and going to her sisters. She shivers slightly when she steps through the door, the hair on the back of her neck standing up.


"What is it?" He's right behind her, growing alert from her tone as he looks around.

"It's dark in here."

"Isn't it always dark for you?" He can't help but tease her.  It earns him a swat to the chest and he chuckles. "Sorry,  Käraste. What do you mean it's dark?"

"Dark. Oppressive. It wasn't like this in here yesterday. There's something…"

She moves slowly around the room, her head tilting back and forth as though she was trying to pinpoint something. She makes it to the side of Annie's bed and kneels down, reaching her hand underneath but she feels nothing.

"Can you see anything under here?" She asks her ghoul. He kneels on the other side and peers under the bed, looking up and down its length before shaking his head.

"No, nothing but dust bunnies."

Lilit sighs and sits back on her knees, "I don't get it. It's stronger over here, but I can't pinpoint it. And nothing looks unusual to you?"

"Everything looks like it normally does, Käraste." He stands and gives the room another once over to be sure. With another sigh Lilit pushes up to her feet.

Once upright she sways with a wave of dizziness and reaches out to the bed to steady herself and as soon as her hands touch the mattress the hair on her arms stands on end and she gasps. In a second Mountain is at her side.

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