Tending the Wounded

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TW: gore/blood.  Wound description. Reference of Torture.

This is going to be a heavy chapter everyone. If you don't like reading things like this, then you shouldn't be here.


The way back seemed to take longer than the initial journey out that led them to the two injured women. Thankfully it was another cloudless night and the bright still full looking moon illuminated the sleeping forest around them.

The trio had lost sight of Mountain some time ago, his long legs and strides carrying him and his slight burden quickly through the dense wood.

The walk was harder in the near dark for Copia as he stumbled over the uneven ground several times,  body sore and bruised from when the smaller woman threw him back with her powers, and he felt it with each unsteady lurch forward when he tripped.

It was long past nightfall before they neared the stone walls of the Ministry. Re-entering the building through the side gardens, Swiss stepped away from them, stating he would meet them in a few minutes as he veered the opposite way down the hall leaving them to continue towards Copias chambers.

The duo didn't happen across anyone else in the halls, the lights dimmed now that the Siblings were retired for the night. Copia was grateful for that. He was sure he looked a state- splotched with dirt and stubborn debris that clung to his crumpled cassock, leather shoes creased and muddied. Not to mention his usually tamed and slicked back hair now lay lax grazing against his forehead, other sections sticking out in unruly tufts.

Approaching the door, he pulls out his key before sliding it in the keyhole to unlock the mechanism with a small click. He cracks it open and ducks in, allowing Cumulus to dart in after him before he closes it once more. He sighs in relief when the lock slides back into place.

He rests his forehead against the cool wood a moment before turning to take in the sitting area behind him.

Mountain is sitting cross legged on the floor leaning against the longer of the two couches. From his position he can't see the cushions but he assumes the smaller woman is laid across it.

Cumulus walks over and sits down heavily on one of the large plush armchairs nearest the lit fire, facing towards the couch. She leans back and props her feet up on the coffee table with a relaxed sigh.

Copia rounds the couch and glances down to the curled form of the younger sister. He notes that she's been cleaned up for the most part, a bandaged arm tucked under her nest of unruly hair. She's also been changed into a dark oversized shirt that seems to swallow her. Skin still pale, but he can see a soft rosy tint to her cheeks and her lips are no longer blue. She's deeply asleep, an IV of fluids attached to her arm.

"She hasn't said anything other than thank you," Mountain tells him, his deep eyes fixed to her sleeping face.

"Not even a name?" Copia asks softly

"No." Mountain replies simply, shaking his head before he goes back to watching the girl intently.

Copia nods and pats the Ghouls shoulder as he passes him, heading towards his room. He pushes on the partially ajar door, the hinges giving a slight creak as it swings open slowly.

Inside is warmed by the fireplace at the foot of his bed that had also been lit. The flames flickering low behind the grate. The beside table is clicked on, softly illuminating the red silk sheets of his bed.

The dark haired woman is laid on her stomach, covers pulled up to her hips; she otherwise appears to be naked, what was left of her dress tossed into a corner. Her arms have been placed so they're resting comfortably by her head, wrapped fully in fresh clean bandages from fingers to shoulders. Her back is, for the most part,  cleansed of blood and Aether sits on the edge of the bed, leaning over her as he carefully sews closed the jagged and torn skin.

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