A Nightmaresque Answer

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The night was like any other. It was near the new moon, the tiny sliver left high above offering only the faintest light to take in the picturesque landscape sprawled around a cozy cottage.
Frigid wind shifted the rolling mounds of white, loose snow dancing in the air before landing gracefully with its brethren.

Inside the warm abode a fire flickered with gentle warmth, staving off the winter chill that tried creeping through thin glass panes and cracks under the door.

Two women work together at a small table to set up an offering, laying down an assortment of beautiful white daffodils, tulips and daisies around a bowl of milk. The older of the two lights a pillar candle situated behind a small figure of three women of different ages.

"Come, sister. Let us offer our prayer and go to bed," the older woman says as she stands, leaning her head back with a deep breath, waiting for her sister to follow her movements.

Both stand and together raise their arms slightly, palms facing up as they begin to chant:

'Mother, rest, you held us strong,
Guided us, kept safe from wrong.
In summer you led us through the day,
Filled our hearts, lit our way.

We thank you!

Sunlight fade, Darkness turned,
hear our prayers, seek return.
Crone you carried us through the night,
Rest now, Goddess, until next rite.

We thank you!

Nature bloom, life reborn,
Melt the snow, bring the Morn.
Maiden now we call to thee,
Rise and cater to our plea.

Bless the lands, plant the seed,
Listen, Maiden, to our creed.
Hear our prayers, offers taken,
Softly soon you will awaken.

Blessed be the Goddess Three
As we will, so mote it be.'

With the last words spoken, a warm breeze swirls around the pair, bringing with a feeling of love and acceptance. Their prayer was heard.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to that," the younger sighs, smiling at her sister.

"The Gods are always with us, Lilit. They may send trials and hardship to test us, but they never leave our side. Now, to bed."

Lilit groans but shuffles to their shared bed, crawling under the plush down comforter. Her sister snuffs the candles, pulling the curtain divider closed to block their bed from the rest of the cottage before joining on her side of the comfortable bed.

"Sleep well, Lilit," she says as she leans over to kiss the smaller one's forehead like she does every night.

"Sleep well, Annie."

Safe and warmed, they drift into a peaceful slumber, unaware of the shadows lurking outside.


Sometime later, Lilit sits up suddenly with a gasp, her eyes wide. She reaches over with a trembling hand and prods at her sleeping sister.

"Annie..? Annie wake up!" She urges in a hushed whisper, shaking her sister with more urgency. Annie groans and rolls over to face her.

"What is it, little bug?" Her voice is rough with sleep.

"Something is wrong. We aren't alone."

Annie is instantly awake, sitting up next to Lilit. "What is it? What do you see?"

Lilit opens her mouth to reply but it's cut off by the door flying open with a loud bang as it slams into the wall behind it. Several men rush into the room, knocking over tables and chairs in their haste. They rip the curtain from its rod, exposing the bed and reach out to them. Grabbing Lilit roughly by her arms they drag her from the bed and back out the door.

Bloody Angel Book 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant