Dinner and Magic

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Lilit cocks her head to the side and her eyes glance to the door.
"They're actually walking down the hall now. There's one more with them, though."

Copia cocks his eyebrow up as he looks back and forth from the door to her. "Ah,  che cosa?"

She gives a nervous laugh and worries her lip with her teeth. "I have my ways to see without seeing, remember?"

"Right right," he nods and chuckles lightly as he walks to the door. "No sneaking up on you, is there?"

He rests his hand on the handle, pausing before turning back to her. "They are my other Ghouls. Are you okay with them coming in, or shall I collect the food and send them away?"

"If they're yours, they can come in. You promised none of your Ghouls would willingly hurt us. And I trust you." She turns her head in his direction and gives a slight smile before continuing. "Besides, the ones I've already met have been nothing but kind."

"Thank you, Piccolina." He returns her smile before opening the door, startling the Ghoulette who was just about to knock. Stepping back to usher the three inside. The Ghoulette notices his tear streaked paint and gives a concerned look but says nothing.

The three walked to the kitchen area and set down the large trays they were each carrying, Copia closing the door behind them. He joins them at the counter and leans in to whisper to them.

"Remember, she is blind. So be gentle and don't just grab her or anything. Oh, and you can remove your masks if you wish."

"I need to clean up before dinner. Please, everyone, feel free to start without me," He stands tall once more and says louder for the others to hear before heading through the bedroom door.

Sunshine wastes no time and quickly pulls off her mask and balaclava in one go, shaking out her curly short strawberry blonde hair, smiling brightly. Cirrus and Rain do the same, but in a more relaxed manner.

Lilit glances around in their direction as Mountain rests his hand on her knee and turns to the three standing.

"Little one, these three are Cirrus-"

"Hello dearie," she smiles


"It's so nice to finally meet you!" She calls out in a bubbly voice.

"And Rain-"

Rain lets out a soft 'hmm' in reply, nodding his head slightly. Lilit looks from voice to voice, smiling in their direction.

"It's nice meeting you," she says warmly with a slight hint of a tremble, twisting her fingers together. Mountain notices the nervous gesture and takes her hands in his, holding them lightly.

"It's alright little one. Remember, you're safe with us."

"I know. It's just... a little unnerving." She turns her eyes to him. "I know I'm safe, but...." She pauses.

"But what, hun?" Cumulus prods gently.

"Something behind your voices... It scares me a little. I can't explain it." Lilit turns her eyes down to her lap.

"Do I scare you?" Mountain brings her hands to his chest, resting them over his heart. She lays her hands flat against him, feeling it's strong and steady beat.

"You did, at first. Not so much anymore." She smiles lovingly at him, a blush creeping over her cheeks. "You've shown you're a gentle giant."

Sunshine lets out a small aww followed by a huffy pout when Cirrus elbows her side.

Lilit frees one hand and slides it up to his shoulder, before lifting it to touch his cheek. He grabs her hand quickly and holds it away from his face, his breath catching.

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