Papa and Seestor meet Lilit

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"Get Mountain, phaze back!" Copia whispers quickly to Aether as they exit into the hall before Papa and Imperator. The Ghoul nods and takes off down the corridor.

"Ah, what was that about, Cardinale?" Nihil asks, stepping out behind him, watching the Ghoul round the corner.

"Papa," Copia turns to him with a small smile. "I simply sent him to give the Ghouls tending the girls a heads up to expect visitors."

"Tell me more about them," Nihil says as he starts down the hall faster than anticipated for the old man, pulling his oxygen behind him. Copia matches his pace and nods, leaving Imperator to lock her office and catch up.

"Well," Copia thinks on what would satisfy Papa's curiosity without saying too much. "They are sisters. Levanna and Lilit."

"And witches, no less!" Papa smiles. "We have not had a witch with us in many many years, let alone two!"

"We've never had a witch with us, Nihil," Imperator corrects him, falling into step next to him.

"Eh? I could've sworn we had. Ah well. Continue, Cardinale." Papa raises the mask to his face and takes a couple deep breaths.

"The eldest, Levanna, was severely tortured by their captors. Have either of you ever heard of the 'Magistratus'?" He asks.

"I am not familiar with them," Imperator replies as they turn down the next hall, Nihil shaking his head. "I shall ask our branches if they have any information."

"This Magistratus," Copia continues after Nihil gives a 'get on with it' motion with his mask. "Captured and imprisoned them because they were witches. When they would not break under torture they were sent to the pyre. Levanna used her powers to shield her sister from the flames and, somehow, brought them here."

"Meravigliosa! Sembra una strega potente! I am very eager to meet her," Nihil beams.

"I'm afraid, Papa, that is impossible at the moment. She is still unconscious."

Copia walks ahead when they near his chambers and opens the door, stepping in first before bowing with a sweep of his arm as the anti-Pope and Sister Imperator enter behind him.

"If you would please give me a moment, I will ensure Lilit is ready for you," he says as he closes the door behind them before briskly walking to his room, knocking lightly on the door before entering.

"Lilit?" He calls softly, glancing around the room. He sees her in the chair next to bed, Mountain leaning against the wall behind her with his arms crossed. She's twisting her fingers together nervously as she turns to him.

"Copia? What's going on?" She asks softly, biting at her lower lip.

"Ah, there you are. I'm sorry my dear, but some people eagerly wish to meet you. My superiors. You know my promise; you are safe here, si?"

She frowns but nods, looking back towards the bed. "Very well, Copia."

"I'll be here with you, Piccolina," he reassures her as he takes her hand and helps her to her feet before turning to the tall Ghoul, voice turning stern. "And Mountain please, be on your best behavior. We don't need a repeat of last night."

Mountain nods and pushes off the wall, his eyes focused on his small woman as they all exit the bedroom. Lilit moves her hand to grasp Copias arm as they approach the waiting pair, pressing closer to his side.

Sister Imperator pulls away from her quiet discussion with Nihil, turning to them with her sharp eyes.

"So. This one is Lilit?"

"Y-yes Ma'am," Lilit stutters as she tightens her hold on Copias arm, turning towards the stern woman.

"Not quite what I expected," Imperator says indifferently.

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