A Lot to Process

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"It definitely wasn't pretty, but I was expecting my legs to be much worse. What did you do to me to have them heal so fast?" Annie asks over her shoulder to the Ghoul sitting behind her.

"Ghouls can influence elements," he explains as he slides his fingers down her back, grimacing when he sees some pulled stitches on the deepest of the still healing lashes. "We can each harness one or, in the case of Swiss and myself, multiple elements."

"What elements?" She hisses at a particularly tender spot as his fingers pass over it.

"Sorry, love. You've popped some stitches. I'll need to suture it again." He turns to the Cardinal leaning with his shoulder against the wall, turned away with his arms crossed over his chest. "Boss, can you grab the suture kit? I placed it in your medicine cabinet."

"Of course! Anything to help," he pushes off the wall and walks into the bathroom.

"I can easily kick him out if you'd like," Aether laughs as he turns his attention to her back once more. "Your comfort is our top priority, next to these wounds of course."

"No, it's okay. I've got the blanket covering me. Though it is sweet he still turns away like that."

"Ehm, Aether? You are sure it is in here, si? I cannot find it," Copia calls from the bathroom.

"Check in the first aid kit, Boss. Top shelf. Grab a washcloth and dampen it with warm water too, please." He calls back. He hears Copia mutter a string of Italian under his breath and he smirks to himself.

"Maybe you should just go help him? I'm fine waiting while you do-ouch!" She jumps when she feels a tugging at her skin.

"I'm sorry, love. I'm trying to be gentle. Try not to move, though. Wouldn't want to accidentally nick your skin with my claws."

"Your WHAT?" she turns her head quickly trying to look behind her with wide eyes.

"Not familiar with Ghouls, I take it?" Aether moves his human looking hand so it's in her line of sight. He flexes his fingers and his slightly tanned skin turns a shade of charcoal grey and his fingernails elongate into sharp points and she gasps. "We keep a glamour on all the time, so we appear human. But they come in handy for delicate tasks such as this."

"That's…I mean. Just…wow. I've only heard of Ghouls but you lot are the first ones I've actually met. You're all like this?"

He chuckles and pulls his hand back to continue removing the stitches. "To some degree, yes."

"Is it okay I'm asking so many questions?" She asks nervously.

"Yes, love. It's only natural to be curious. I'll answer all I can." He reaches over to grab a small wad of clean bandages to dab at a tail of blood seeping down her back. He calls to the Cardinal once more.

"If you can't find it, ask Cumulus, Boss, but I need that rag at least."

"Si, si. Trovato! Sto arrivando. Tieni la testa alta, Ghoul," Copia laughs as he briskly walks to the bed, eyes focused on the items he's carrying.

"Sei tu quello con gli occhi cattivi, Capo," Aether laughs heartily as he takes the items in his re-glamoured hands.

"Stronzo. Mi prendi troppo in giro!" Copia returns the laugh.

"You know you love it, Boss. Now stop being rude." He gently dabs at Annie's back with the wet rag, looking at the back of her head in confusion when he feels her shaking before breaking out in an amused grin when he realizes she's silently laughing at their interaction.

"Are you okay, Cara? I know this is probably unpleasant, having your stitches redone," Copia asks worriedly, seeing her shoulders shake.

"No, it's not that," Annie shakes her head and looks at him with a wide smile, letting her laughter slip past her lips. "I don't know what was said but from the tone it's obvious you two have a close friendship. It was entertaining to witness."

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