Shifting Moods

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It's the only way she could describe how she felt. Like she was floating on a gentile stream that caressed and eased her entire body, softly carrying her to the shores of consciousness. It was calm, quiet. She was warm and relaxed, a light breeze kissing and cooling, dancing as it brushed over her exposed skin. The smell of spring was on its breath as she inhaled slowly, barely noticeable over the rich scent of leather and incense mixed with a final hint of something she couldn't place that filled her nose and drew a content sigh from her lips.

"Hmm.. good morning, Vincenzo," she muttered airily as she held him tighter. No. It wasn't quite right. Too soft, not wide or warm enough as her arm tightened its hold.

Cracking a drowsy eye open she frowned as she found herself alone, clutching his pillow to her chest; the source of his intoxicating smell. Her content sigh turned to one of disappointment and longing as she rolled onto her back, bringing a hand up to rub at her eyes and face as Hypnos fully relinquished his hold on her.

To her left, near the foot of the bed, the wide window was open, curtains fluttering with the breeze making the soft sunlight shimmer and dance in soft shadows around the room. A flash of color from the corner of her eye caught her attention as she shifted to sit up and she turned her head to the bedside table to find its source. When her gaze fell to a beautiful bouquet of dwarf sunflowers and red carnations intermingled with sprigs of white jasmine nestled in a crystal vase her heart swelled and fluttered.

"Oh, Copia," she sighed out, swinging her legs over the edge of the bed to scoot closer and take in their sweet scents.

"Loyalty and adoration," she whispered, trailing her fingers over one of the sunflowers before moving to the carnation. "Deep love and affection."

She plucks one of the jasmine sprigs from the group and brings it to her nose, taking in its sweet and exotic scent, lips curving into a soft smile. "Romance and sensuality… you've surely got the romantic part down, my love."

Setting the flower on the table she lifts herself to her feet and pads over to the bathroom, her bladder calling and urging to be relieved. Her task taken care of, she walks to the sink, keeping her eyes down and away from the mirror out of habit as she does when she's naked as she washes her hands before cupping them together to splash water on her flushed face. Bringing them once more under the steady stream she pauses, something twinging at the base of her skull. She shudders at the feeling, like crawling under her skin. This was new. Unpleasant to say the least. And it screamed something… nearby? Soon? That something… something…

Her eyes begin to rise, to gaze into the mirror.

There was no reflection. Everything was dark, bathed in swirls of shadow and red. Voices, loud and overlapping, even muffled as they were. The sound of drums, other strangled and near mute sounds. A flash of silver and the overwhelming smell of iron. She knew that smell. Blood. So much blood. Strangled screaming. She reached out, her fingers brushing against the dark murky surface, reaching for the hand she saw stretching out towards her…

A loud knock on the main door makes her jump, pulling her hand and eyes away from the mirror, its surface cleared and now showing her reflection. The feeling fades as though it was never there. Shaking out of her stupor and quickly shuts off the water and dries her face and hands, stepping back into the bedroom. Had she looked back she would see the mirror was cracked where her fingers touched.

She's almost to the main door when she realizes, with a vibrant flush that reaches her chest, she is still naked. She runs back into the bedroom and grabs the first thing she sees, Copias oversized plush bath robe, and slides it on, tying it tight around her.

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