After the Festival pt 2, into the next morning

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Copia returned to the kitchen area once the door was locked and finished preparing the tea, straining and tossing the used bags before adding a splash of creamer into each mug. Carefully grabbing both in his left hand he made his way over to Annie's room, giving a soft knock before opening the door.

"Amore? Are you decent?" He calls in through the crack. He hears no reply so he peeks in and sees the room is empty. Confusion and a sliver of worry rush through him and he enters, closing the door behind him before setting the mugs atop the nightstand closest to him. Glancing over he sees the bathroom door closed, but also sees light shining out from under it. He walks over and tentatively knocks.

"Annie? Is everything alright?"

"Yeah.…." He hears her sigh followed by a pained groan and a light thump before she sniffles lightly. "No. My legs gave out when I was drying my hair. I can't stand back up."

"Can I come in? Are you decent?"

"Yeah. I managed to get my nightgown on before I fell."

He opened the door slowly, unsure of where exactly she was and he didn't want to hit her with the door. He stepped in and saw her sitting up, leaning partially against the side of the tub resting most of her weight on her right arm as she supported herself. Her eyes were turned towards the floor in front of her, legs bent to the side behind her. He crouches down in front of her and reaches out to brush her very damp hair off her shoulder.

"I'm here, Annie. Let's get you up, si? This does not look comfortable."

She laughs softly and looks up to him with a small smile. "It really isn't. The floor is cold."

"Can you move your legs at all?"

"I can move them," she nods, slowly pulling her legs to stretch out in front of her with a slight bend in the knee, shifting so she's sitting up against the side of the tub. "They just don't want to hold my weight right now."

He nods and leans down, pulling her arms up to his shoulders before wrapping his around her. "Ready?"

"Yeah," she nods, holding him tightly. "Just don't drop me."

"Never, amore. On the count of three? One…two…three!" He pulls her up, holding her tightly to him as he leans back against the sink. She clings to him as her legs shake and refuse to hold her weight for more than a couple seconds. He takes a moment to carefully turn her to the side a bit before stooping to lift her fully in his arms like he had before when he brought her back to her room.

"I'm sorry," she whispers as he carries her from the bathroom. He just shakes his head and smiles at her reassuringly.

"No need to be, amore mio. I am just glad I am here to help you."

Her bed is unmade from this morning and he sets her gently on her side of it, helping her sit up against the pillows. He leans down and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead.

"I feel like a burden again." Annie sighs and leans into his lips.

"Never. Are you comfortable? I brought tea."

"Yes. Thank you, hun." She smiles and watches him round the bed to pick up the mugs, walking back around to her side where he perches on the edge of the bed at her hip facing her, handing her one of them. She takes it with a smile.

"Are you sure you're okay, amore?"

Annie laughs softly and reaches over to rest her hand on his thigh after taking a deep drink of the tea. "Copia…I'm fine. I will be fine. I promise. It's been a long day and I overdid it is all."

He sighs lightly, lowering his hand to rest it on hers. "I should not have asked for that last dance. It was quite intense."

"Don't. It was amazing. I would dance with you every day even if it meant my legs would be jelly at the end."

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