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Lilit closes the circle, thanking the Goddesses for their help with the spell. When the circle dims and fades her eyes also return to their normal clouded green. She sighs and reaches out towards Mountain who quickly takes her hands in his.

"Where can I sit? I'm a little drained after that."

He leads her to one of the arm chairs and helps her ease onto the cushion before lowering himself to the floor, laying his head against her thigh. She smiles and slides her fingers through his hair.

The Ghoulettes and Rain set about putting the rest of the furniture back to their original locations. Copia is pacing back and forth across the room behind them, arms crossed with one hand raised to his mouth where he plays with his lip and mustache. He stops several times and looks at Lilit before shaking his head and resuming his pacing.

Cumulus notices this and walks over to Copia and lightly grabs his shoulder, stopping his worried pacing.

"Relax, Copia," she says softly to him, sliding her hand down his arm when he faces her. "We'll just put her in the room with Annie. He doesn't have to know about them yet."

"Ah, you know me so well, mio caro," he smiles to her and cups her face, gently tracing his thumb over her cheek.

"Si, that would work. However," he sighs, pulling his hand away as he looks from Lilit to the bedroom door. "Would it not be better, easier even, to just tell him?"

"What do you feel is the best choice?"

He sighs and rubs the back of his neck as he weighs his options. "Let us see what he has to say for himself. Allow things to play out and decide in the moment?"

Cumulus nods and leans up to kiss his cheek before walking over to the other Ghoulettes, motioning Mountain to join them.

He tucks a strand of hair behind Lilits ear after he stands before joining the girls, looking to Cumulus with his eyebrow cocked in silent question.

"The boys are bringing Seth here. In the mean time, we'll get Lilit settled in the other room with Annie. Copia will decide whether or not to tell Seth of them when he talks to him; it will be played by ear so be prepared for anything.

"We will stay out here with Copia. That includes you, Mountain," she gives him a pointed look.

Mountain grumbles low in his throat, casting a worried look over his shoulder to Lilit. Sunshine looks him over with a knowing smile teasing on her lips.

"Mounty, I don't know what's going on with you when it comes to her, but you need to pull on your big boy pants and trust me. Trust our Cardinal," Cumulus tells him leaving no room for argument. He sighs and nods.

"Good. Get masked up before they get back." She turns and grabs her mask and balaclava, sliding the fabric over her head as she walks back to Copia.

"Let's get Lilit situated," she says to him as she tucks her wavy blonde hair away more comfortably, sliding the feminine looking silver horned mask into place.

Copia nods and walks over to where Lilit is sitting, noticing she's twisting her fingers together again nervously.

"Piccolina, let's go visit your sister, si?" He says gently to her as he places his hand over hers. She looks up towards him and smiles.

"Yes, please." She stands slowly and takes his hand as he leads her into the bedroom.
They round the far side of the bed and he pulls the chair closer before helping her to sit.

She reaches out and blindly trails her hand over the sheets until she finds her sisters, holding it gently.

"Oh, Annie," she sighs softly. "I'm here now."

Bloody Angel Book 1Where stories live. Discover now