More Answers....and Something Else

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Seth walks across the living space and sits heavily on one of the armchairs, slouching down with his legs outstretched. He presses his palms against his eyes before drawing his hands down his face, letting out a long exhale as he does. When he first set out that night to find answers he never imagined he would actually find them, and then some.

Now reeling with this new information he couldn't help but feel guilt and shame. Guilt for not trusting his Cardinal, the man that practically raised him. The only father he's known. Shame for the evil thoughts he let cloud his mind in regards to what made that crater.

He knew, now, and he would stand by his Cardinal and help him protect those two women however he could. It was the least he could do.

Plus he didn't fancy getting roughed up by the feisty fire Ghoul again. Dew may be small but, man, he could pack a punch.
'And that was with him holding back!' Seth thought with a shudder.

He was brought out of his thoughts by Copia holding an Old Fashioned glass of amber liquid. He sits up and gratefully takes it, sipping slowly at the liquor, savoring the pleasant warmth it trailed down to his stomach. 'Copia has really good taste with bourbon,' he thinks with another sip.

He watches his Cardinal walk back across the room to his gathered Ghouls and strike up a hushed conversation with Aether, motioning towards the bedroom door before reaching up to pinch at the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes. Copia nods at whatever the Ghoul replies before reaching up to lightly squeeze his shoulder. Aether lifts the same arm and returns the gesture with a smile, nudging the lanky water Ghoul next to him. He tilts his head to the bedroom before walking over and through the door, Rain following close behind.

Sunshine and Cirrus walk into the kitchen area and start cleaning up from their dinner, Sunshine wiping down the countertops as Cirrus washes the plates and silverware. Swiss jogs over and grabs a towel before drying and stacking the plates back in the cabinet.

Dew brushes past Seth to tend to the fire, prodding at the charred, smoldering lumps and ash with his bare hands to clear the grate before building up the wood once more. He pulls a Zippo from his pocket and sparks it, catching the flame between his fingers and snapping the lighter shut. Dew leans over and presses his flaming hand to the wood and waits for it to catch before pulling his hand back, the flame staying upon the pile.

It would forever amaze him witnessing the Ghouls use their magic. A part of him was jealous in a way. He was, after all, only human. He'd tried to learn but nothing ever came of it. Even the simplest spells yielded no results for him.

He's once again pulled from his thoughts as Copia sank heavily into the chair next to his, holding his own generous glass of amber liquid. The Ghouls, finished with their tasks, also find a spot to sit. The Ghoulettes take up the larger couch, Swiss relaxing back into his spot on the loveseat. Dew sits on the floor by the fire, leaning his head back against the stone. A tense quiet falls over them, interrupted only by the cracking of wood as it burns.

Seth glances around the room as he hesitates, uncomfortable in the quiet.

"So..." He starts slowly. "Who did that to her?"

Copia takes a swig of his drink before drawing in a slow deep breath. "They call themselves the 'Magistratus'. They are the threat here, not the girls. They are innocent victims in this."

"And they're....what? Witches?"


Seth pauses, looking down to the glass in his hand. He swirls the liquor gently. "What do we do now?"

"I will have to inform Imperator when she returns tomorrow. You will do nothing." Copia lifts his glass to his lip, pausing halfway before lowering it again.

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