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https://youtube. com/playlist?list=PL_q1OtdJF94BPHjFDiYTvu4Dxa7I01qeC

That Playlist is for the songs used. I have marked in parentheses which one to play at what time!



Yeah, Cardi is definitely going to forget how to function when he sees you. Just... wow," Cumulus sighs in awe.

Sunshine cocks her head with a lopsided grin as she looks over Annie. "Forget the Boss. Everyone's gonna drop dead from how gorgeous you are."

Annie blushes deeply and fiddles with the half mask on her face. "Guys...C'mon. Stop that."

"Not a chance, Doll! Are you ready to go?" Sunshine hooks her arm through Annie's and holds her tight.

"As if I have a choice," she laughs nervously and looks around at the ghoulettes, all changed into similar flowy dresses with hanging sleeves that reach their mid forearms, waists cinched with corset belts, and a layered handkerchief hem. The only difference was in the color - Cumulus' was a pale Robin's egg blue, Cirrus a pastel yellow, and Sunshine a soft rose. New black half masks covered their faces, one side sweeping out into an elegant lace butterfly wing, the other plain aside from celtic knot-like embellishments that matched their dresses colors.

"We really need to get moving if we're to get to the clearing in time," Cirrus tells them as she hands Lilit her walking stick.

"You sure you two don't want shoes? At least to wear until we get there?" Cumulus asks as they step into the hall, ears picking up the chatter of various Siblings all eager and heading out to the grounds. The sister's shake their heads.

"Nah. We're used to being barefoot most of the year. I see better without shoes too." Lilit holds up her hand and shakes her head as Sunny opens her mouth to ask a question. "Don't ask. Too hard to explain right now."

"Seriously, are you sure you're really blind?" Sunny waves her hand in front of Lilits eyes and the blonde turns to her with an annoyed expression.

"Yes, I'm really blind. It's...complicated, okay? Can we just go now?" She doesn't wait for their replies before she sets off down the hall in front of them. Annie pats Sunshines arm that's linked with hers lightly and sighs.

"She has her ways, but she is indeed blind. Witch, remember? Years of honing other senses and skills to see," Annie explains as they follow Lilit down the hall. "When she wants to 'see' she uses her magic to pick up on auras. Sometimes she hears someone talking, or if they move, or she even picks up on their breathing if the area is quiet enough. Other times she just.... knows."

The ghoulettes nod at the explanation. "Kinda like with you and us Ghouls?" Cirrus asks.

"In a way. You each have a presence about you that we, well, that I for sure can pick up on if you're close enough. Same with Copia, actually. It's harder if there's more people around though."

They turn down a hallway and Annie's steps falter to a stop at the mass of moving masked siblings, her hand subconsciously tightening on Sunny's arm, the other raising to grab hold of her Grucifix pendant. The ghoulette looks at her with slight worry.

"You okay, Doll?"

Annie's eyes glance over at her before darting back to the crowd, seeing Lilit chatting happily with a couple Sisters. "Y..yeah? I don't know. It's a lot of people. I usually try to avoid crowds..."

"We're right here with you, Annie. It'll be okay," Cirrus steps forward, linking her arm together with Annie's.

"Chin up, eyes forward," Cumulus says with a smile stepping in front of her. "Remember, you're a badass Witch that everyone here adores."

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