Music is Magic

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Copia stops his fiddling with the guitar and looks to her. "It would be a lot at once for you, no? You haven't even met the others really."

She nods and smiles brightly, pushing through her nerves. "Yeah, call them over. I'll meet them eventually so why not now?"

"If you're sure, love," Aether pulls out his phone and slides it unlocked before tapping at the screen. She hears a tone from it before it starts dinging repeatedly.

"They'll be right over. I told Swiss to grab the Cajon, Mountain." He sighs and looks at the cake. "I should have brought a bigger cake."

"Thanks, mate." Mountain nuzzles the back of Lilits shoulder as they all laugh at Aether's comment.

Copia strums randomly on the guitar as they wait several minutes until a knock is heard from the door. Annie clenches her hand around her dress on her thigh, taking a deep breath. He notices and reaches over to take hold of it.

"Amore, you can always change your mind. They will understand," he tells her gently. She looks at him and smiles reassuringly.

"I'll be alright. I've been a mopey downer long enough. It's time to have some fun. If it gets too be too much I'll let you know," she lets go of the dress and turns her hand over to lace their fingers together feeling a wave of comfort wash over her, further settling her nervous mind. Behind her she hears Aether open the door before several pairs of feet tread into the room and she squeezes his hand tightly.

"Ghouls! Welcome," he calls over to them as they round the couch, each carrying an instrument or two of some kind. "Amore, you know Cumulus, and briefly met Rain."

Rain bows slightly to her with a smile, setting his instrument case down to fetch his acoustic bass as Cumulus hands the guitar she was carrying to Aether before hugging Annie lightly, smirking knowingly behind her mask seeing her hand laced together with Copias.

"It's good to see you in better spirits, dove."

"The others are Swiss, Dew, Cirrus and Sunshine," he gestures in turn to the others standing behind Cumulus.

Swiss flashes a bright toothy smile as his eyes shine before he squeezes past the others, setting a large box looking thing with a hole in it by Mountain. Dew nods, stalking over to the fireplace where he takes a seat to lean against the warm stone border before turning his guitar. Cirrus waves, the tambourine in her hand jingling pleasantly and Sunshine looks like she's vibrating with barely restrained enthusiasm.

"Oh it's so nice to finally meet you! Satanas, you are so beautiful Annie!" Sunshine gushes, the compliment causing Annie to blush.

"Go, couch, sit," Cirrus pushes the bubbly Ghoulette over to the empty loveseat before turning back to the woman. "But she is right. It's nice to finally meet you, Annie."

"Alright everyone," Aether calls from behind Annie, startling her slightly. "Get settled and tune up so we can get started."

The next few minutes passed with those with guitars making sure they were in tune. Mountain nudged Lilit off his lap with a kiss to her temple before adjusting the box and sitting on it, giving a couple random taps before nodding. Swiss takes his now empty seat and Lilit settles between Annie's legs on the floor. The Ghoulettes take up the loveseat, Cumulus and Cirrus on each cushion with Sunshine sitting on the back of it between the two. Rain takes the other open chair closest to the larger couch and Aether settles on the arm rest opposite Copia to have room for his guitar neck so it's not in Annie's face.

"What should we start with?" Copia asks letting go of Annie's hand with a reassuring squeeze.

"Dance is always fun to jam to!" Sunshine smiles, dancing a little from her perch. The others nod in agreement.

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