Baking Day

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As the next two weeks passed, everyone yet again found themselves adjusting to a new routine. Some with ease- a class here or there added to their schedules preparations for the festival, outings with new friends. For others it was an exhausting one. But as tiring as it may be, as much as he longed to do certain things differently, he wouldn't change it for his own selfish comfort.

After dinner with the two sisters Copia would, as he had during her first weeks here, read or sing to Annie until she fell asleep before returning to his rooms after kissing her forehead and tucking her in with a silent prayer to the dark Lord that she continue to sleep soundly through the night. However, no matter how much he prayed, he often found himself woken with an overwhelming feeling of dread and rushed back to her side to pull her from yet another nightmare, holding her close as she sobbed into his chest until she calmed and sleep took her once more. He longed to stay and share her bed, or bring her to his so he may hold her through the night and they both sleep soundly… but she was not ready for that sort of intimacy. Cuddling together on a couch as they watched the fire was one thing. So he settled for a chair next to her bed, holding her hand as she slept once more as he watched over her.

She knew, or at least trusted that ever present feeling in the back of her head, that he was not a man who would take advantage of her or do anything without her consent. He was calm and patient with her, asking permission before every tender kiss upon her lips and even when their pulls demanded more he showed his incredible willpower and refrained. If his hand ever brushed against her in a way not intended or could be deemed inappropriate no matter how slight he would pull back and spout off apologies until she silenced him with a finger over his lips and multiple assurances that it was okay, that accidents happen.

Even with all the comforts he brought her, how safe and adored he made her feel she couldn't stop the guilt that grew within her as each day passed. She felt like she was using him somehow, taking up so much of his time when he was already such a busy man with his duties to the Ministry just so she could feel better about herself. She could see how tired he was from the many near sleepless nights he endured because of her reflected in his eyes and by the dark circles that were growing under them. It wasn't fair to him. Her heart and mind warring over each other made her feel sick to her stomach.

So after that first week and a half since the garden she started feigning sleep until he left, her heart panging from her deceit when she felt his kiss on her forehead. Once she was sure he was gone she would throw the covers off and walk to the window and pull the curtains open before settling on the comfortable little bench there and sit with her knees drawn up to her chest as she stared out to the forest below and let her mind go blank, body numb until the sun painted the sky.

'How long could someone go without sleep?' She wondered after the fourth day, feeling more exhausted from keeping up a happy charade than from the lack of sleep itself. She hoped her mask was convincing. She didn't want anyone to worry about or take extra unnecessary time out of their day just for her.

Seeing the sky beginning to change colors she rises stiffly from her perch in the window with a stretch before trudging to her en suite bathroom where she strips down in front of the mirror, focusing on the sink below until her clothes are piled next to her. She takes a deep shaking breath as she lifts her eyes and looks into the reflective surface with a pained wince. What looked back seemed like it could be her, but it looked wrong.

She stared at the image, eyes dull and bloodshot. Its skin was pale, almost sickly looking. A pinkish scar traced down the right side of its face and she followed it down to the shoulder seeing a thicker scar round over the top of it. Turning its torso she felt her eyes prick as she took in where the scar on the shoulder met the large criss cross patchwork across its back.

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