Lazy Afternoon

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A warm fire crackled lazily in the stone hearth centered on the far wall between tall arched windows of colorful stained glass. Fading daylight shone through, casting rainbows across the spacious room. A soft voice disrupted the otherwise quiet atmosphere as he read aloud from a thick leather bound book.

"And the Raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting
On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door;
    And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon’s that is dreaming,
    And the lamp-light o’er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor;
And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor
            Shall be lifted—nevermore!"

Annie smiles and looks up to Copia from where her head rested on his lap as she laid across the long mauve couch, a soft Sherpa throw covering her from the waist down. He lifted his hand from where it had been stroking her hair lightly to turn the page to the next work.

"So sweet the hour — so calm the time,
I feel it more than half a crime
When Nature sleeps and stars are mute,
To mar the silence ev’n with lute," he started as his free hand brushed along her cheek before settling on her shoulder where his thumb moved in a gentle soothing motion.

Annie closed her eyes and relaxed once more as he read to her, his voice rich and calming. Since returning to the quarters she shared with her sister they'd been like this- him reading poems and short stories from a collection of Edgar Allan Poe's work while she lounged comfortably next to him. It was all so soothing and relaxing that she found herself beginning to drift off to sleep the longer he read, and for once she wasn't scared her dreams would be haunted with her nightmarish memories.

"Thus, while no single sound too rude,
Upon thy slumber shall intrude,
Our thoughts, our souls — O God above!
In every deed shall mingle, love." He finishes the poem in a gentle whisper, closing the book as he looks down at her.

His heart flutters and he breaks out in a loving smile seeing her face resting in a content and peaceful expression as she sleeps. He longed to kiss her rosy cheek, or her forehead. Anywhere. Everywhere. But he dares not move at the risk of waking her. She'd confessed she hasn't really been sleeping, that every time her eyes closed she'd be thrown back into nightmares and despair, haunted by what her captors did to her. No, he would let her sleep peacefully and only rouse her if her dreams turned sour.

He carefully reached over, placing the hefty book on the side table with a slight 'thump' before relaxing back against the couch, his hand returning to her shoulder as he leaned his head back and closed his own eyes. Though he rested, his mind remained alert, ever swirling with never ending thoughts.

Beltane was fast approaching and the Siblings were getting excited for the upcoming festivities the Ministry held every year. It was one of the few holidays they celebrated with fervor with it being a festival of fertility. Also halfway to Halloween, another favorite within these walls.

Would the girls be interested in attending? Witches celebrated the Sabbath as it was one of their major events on the wheel of the year, after all. Lilit no doubt would want to go. Annie he wasn't sure about, but he knew whether she chose to partake or stay in her rooms he would spend it with her. If she would want him to, that is.

He sighs as he rubs his thumb against her shoulder. He was happy she'd finally opened up to him, that she told him what she had been feeling. Glad he wasn't alone with this nagging desire to be with her. He knew Mountain spent as much time as he could with Lilit because of the mate bond he felt with her, but how he always seemed so composed about it was a mystery. This was similar, was it not? So why did he struggle to keep these emotions and desires under his control? Sure he'd heard of soulmates but the pull from his very core was something else entirely. Why did he even have them at all if this was more of a Ghoul thing?

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