Beltane Morning

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Annie awoke with a start, sitting up quickly with wide frightened eyes. Panting quickly through parted lips she blindly reached next to her, searching for her Cardinal but all she found were cooled sheets. Tears sting her eyes and she grabs the Grucifix pendant around her neck, holding it tightly until her heart rate and breathing slows and the echo of her dream fades.

It was early yet, the sky still dark outside, but she was awake and alert now. Throwing back the covers she swings her legs off the mattress and flicks on the lamp sitting on the bedside table, wincing her eyes closed at the sudden bright light. Rubbing her face with a yawn she forces her eyes open once more and they focus on a small bouquet of several red tulips resting on the table, a small folded paper propped against them addressed to her. A smile tugs at her lips as she reaches over to grab the flowers, bringing them to her nose to inhale their sweet scent before unfolding the note. Tears, that of a happy nature, build in her eyes and her heart swells as she reads the elegant script.

'Mia bella Dea,

Forgive me for not being at your side when you awoke. Though I long for nothing but to hold you close in my arms, duty demands I begin my day early. Enjoy your morning, amore mio. I will find you at the festival.

Yours always,


Though she too had longed to wake within his arms, this sweet gesture reassured her that all would be okay even as nerves about attending the festival began to eat at her stomach. She took in the flowers scent once more before setting them and the note back on the table as she rose to her feet. She'd barely made it across to the bathroom when a knock sounded on the door as it opened slowly.

"Good morning, Annie," Cumulus greeted with a smile. "I'm glad to see you're already up!"

"Morning, Cumulus. What are you doing here?" Annie asks with a raised eyebrow. She had not expected to see the Ghoulette this early in the day, nor was she expecting the simple plain half-mask on her face instead of the usual horned chrome she normally wore.

"Here to help you get ready for the festival of course," she smiles and walks over to the bed, laying down a couple large garment bags and a canvas tote. "The girls are grabbing coffee and donuts and they'll join us shortly. I tried waking Lilit first but she is out like a light."

"Yeah, she and mornings do not mix.  Especially when the sun isn't even up yet," Annie laughs lightly. "I can go wake her if you want. I've had eighteen years of practice after all."

"No, it's fine. I'm sure she'll wake up once she smells the coffee."

Annie nods and pads over to her bathroom, unable to ignore her bladder any longer. "Excuse me a minute. I'll be right back."

Cumulus nods and turns to sort through the garment bags and the tote, pulling out various ribbons and hair accessories and styling tools. She hums lightly and spreads them out on the dressing table next to the wardrobe.

By the time Annie had finished in the bathroom her room was full of chattering ghoulettes, each with the same plain half mask. Sunshine, energetic as ever, was practically bouncing with excitement as she waved and rushed over to pull Annie to the vanity.

"Good morning! How'd you sleep? Are you ready for today? I am! It's gonna be a lot of fun!" She spouts off quickly causing Annie to laugh with amusement.

"Sunny, how do you possibly always have so much energy? Especially this early in the morning."

The cheery ghoulette shrugs with her never wavering grin. "No idea! Sorry, am I being a bit too much?"

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