After the Festival

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Annie paces in front of the hearth, arms crossed tightly over her chest as she was once more in her rooms. Lilit sat upon the love seat, legs curled under her, wringing her fingers together nervously as she zoned out. After Swiss had interrupted her moment with Copia, Annie and her sister were rushed back to the safety of the Ministry as Copia took off to an emergency meeting of the high clergy. The girls wished they had a ghoul or two to keep them company but they were needed back at the festival to ensure it ended smoothly and the siblings made it back to their dorms.

That had to have been at least two hours ago by now, and Annie's mind continued to race.

'An attack? I hope no one was hurt. Who would be brazen enough to attack a Satanic church on a night like tonight?' Her pacing stops and she stares into the fire, her eyes hardening as a face flashes into her mind making her jaw clench.

'Who else but those monsters?' She thought to herself. Her stomach churned and she fought a wave of nausea. That had been happening more often since returning from the festival. On top of everything else today, she was tired of it.

Annie jumped and turned towards the door when a knock sounded and she looked to her sister before stepping over, opening the door a crack to peer into the hall.

"Yes?" She inquired, not getting a good look at the tall masked man standing in the darkened hall. He reached up and pulled his mask off and she relaxed before swinging the door open to allow him in.

"Seth? What are you doing here?"

"Rain sent me to sit with you girls, they're all pretty busy out there. I hope that's alright?" He flashes her a warm smile as he steps into the room, Annie closing the door behind him.

"Of course, you're always welcome. Would you like a drink? I might have some snacks as well, cakes and fritters from the other day," she says, moving towards the small kitchen.

"Water, please. I didn't, uh, didn't really remember to drink much today. All the dancing and…uh.. dancing."

She looks over to him as she grabs two bottles of water from the fridge, seeing him flush and shift nervously as he rubbed a hand across the back of his neck. She smiled knowingly.

"You had fun with Rainy, I take it?"

His eyes dart over to Lilit and back before he nods with a soft chuckle, speaking quietly as he walks over to Annie. "Yeah. I, uh, I'm still not sure how I feel about us uh, coming out though."

"You don't have to if you don't want to. You know that," she hands him one of the bottles before resting her hand on his arm.

"I know. But I also don't want to keep going behind everyone's back. I think I'm most nervous about how Copia would react."

"Has he ever discouraged you from being with someone like that?" She pulls out one of the stools and perches on it, gesturing to him to do the same.

"Well, no. It's not a matter of who I'm with gender wise. He's had his share of partners of both genders, so he doesn't judge. I'm worried because I'm with one of his ghouls."

He looks over to her once he sits and sees her eyebrow raised in shocked question and his cheeks pale, realizing what he's said and he hides his face in his hands. "I…I didn't…  That was not something I should have told you. Shit..I'm sorry."

"No…no it's okay, Seth. I figured he'd had other lovers in his past. And honestly I'm not too shocked some have been men. I guess just actually hearing someone say it out loud…"

He reaches over and rests his hand on hers. "I still never should have said that all casually. You know he only has eyes for you now. Right?"

She nods and sighs, her shoulder slumping lightly. "I know. He tells me and I can feel it. See it in his eyes. When we kiss. I'm still not used to it."

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