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Annie closes the door behind her, resting her pounding forehead against the cool wood with a sigh. Lilit had been asleep so after making sure she was without a fever Annie tucked her in and left her to rest. She would check back later.

Mysti and Ace looked at each other, eyes ever full of worry at her deteriorating state. This was not the Annie they've come to know. The energy radiating from her was hers, but also not. It was laced with something more that they couldn't explain. The whiplash they got from how quickly her mood changed left them to remain silent lest her sudden anger gets turned on them. What was going on with her?

With a sigh Annie stood straight, turning to walk down the hall. The ghouls hesitated a moment before following her. She didn't get more than a few feet before a wave of nausea passed over her and she abruptly stopped, looking up to the hall in front of her with narrowed eyes.



"What are you doing here?" She crosses her arms and stares at the ghostly man, annoyance filling her once again as her head throbbed. "There is no thinning in the veil so how are you here?"

Behind her the ghouls looked at each other with confused glances before staring down the empty hall.

"All your knowledge and you still do not know what's happening. What I tried to warn you of last we spoke before we were interrupted."

Her eyes roll and she scowls, fixing a glare to him once more. "I am in no mood for riddles."

"Si, I would suppose not."

"I have better things to do than have you waste my time."

He laughs, an amused smile lighting up his face. "Do you? And who will you explode on next if I were to let you go? No, it is time you listen to me."

"Um…. Miss Annie? W…who are you, um. Who are you talking to?" Mysti asks hesitantly, looking around the empty hall once more.

"No one. Let's go."

Terzo brings a hand to clutch over his heart, looking hurt. "You wound me, Sorellina. But I insist. You cannot go until we have spoken."

"Watch me," she growls, stalking past him. He reaches out and grabs hold of her cardigan, pulling her back. The ghouls eyes widen further seeing her cardigan move and get pulled back by nothing.

"Let me go, Alessandro."

"I am usually a kind patient man, but you, Annie, are testing me right now."

"I'm the one testing you? Because I have no desire to hear what you have to say? How can you, as you are, claim to know so much?"

He releases his hold and steps back. "Certain things are open to me on this side of the veil. I have seen things you could never comprehend. Which is why you will hear me when I tell you tha-"

"Enough! I will not! I have enough going on I don't need whatever this is adding to it!"

She walks past him again, but his next words stop her in her tracks.

"Did you enjoy last night? With your Cardinal?"

She turns quickly, making the ghouls jump back thinking she was turning to them with eyes narrowed into burning slits as her cheeks flush, but her gaze was not on them.
It was to the empty spot where she spoke to.


"I was not there, if that is your concern," he cuts her off. "But I know."

"Again, how?"

"You've begun to awaken. I can sense it. But it is not complete. Only half the bond you share was met, and now you are at war. With not only yourself but everyone around you."

Bloody Angel Book 1Where stories live. Discover now