"Ah, it's going to be pretty late, I guess I'll have to take a leave today!" you sighed and looked outside from the large window located in the living room.

The lawn of the house looked pretty old, as if no one has touched it for so long but the flowers and plants there were actually in a good condition. It struck your interest, so you took small steps towards the window and gazed outside.

There was a small couch just beside the window. You sat down and could easily watch everything from there. It was beautiful.

You felt a presence beside you but you didn't bother, knowing it was him.

As a smile creeped up on your face by the little butterflies that flew around over flowers, you could feel a stare on you. You looked at him, to find him gazing at you, too. He was sitting just beside you.

"Ms Kim, you didn't do make up today, right?" he suddenly asked, still staring at you.

"Um, no I didn't! How was I supposed to do it here? I had nothing with me!" you chuckled and he just nodded. After that, You continued to look outside for a while.

"No make up on~ I love that shit-
You're so damn beautiful, I swear you make me sick~" Jungkook suddenly started singing making you turn your head towards him.

"W-what are you saying?" you asked dumbfounded.

"Oh, I was just singing that cool song!" he said, hiding his smile.

You made an 'o' face and nodded with a sigh.

He silently snickered and stood up.

"Let's open this window, so we can get a better view and nice cool air too." he suggested and you uttered a small 'sure' before smiling and standing up.

He opened the window, letting the cool breeze fondle your hair and cheeks.

The atmosphere looked more ill-lit as the sky turned darker.

It was going to rain soon once again!

And here it is! The little droplets of rain fell from the almighty clouds that dominated the sky right now. The cold rain drops drizzled on you both making your skin tingle. Your hair might get damp because of it but you didn't care.

The rain and rainy weather was something you always enjoyed, no matter what! And those were the times that you craved physical warmth the most, too!

Your hair stuck to your forehead because of the moisture present in the air. You had a smile on your lips that didn't go unnoticed by Jungkook. He was looking at you all this time.

What did he have in mind...? Ah, it was all about you! He loved rain too, but today someone else had his undivided attention.

He contemplated for a couple of seconds before finally giving in his desire to touch you.

He slowly and gently touched your hair that clung onto your skin. As if you were the most delicate thing he ever laid his hands on.

You turned around, now facing him and not the window, A hand still holding onto the window frame.

The rain water pouring on the somewhat dry soil produced an addicting scent and the occasional drizzles of water droplets made the aura around you both a little too relaxing.

He carefully brushed the hair strands away from your face but didn't leave your skin. He stroked your cheeks tenderly and smiled the tiniest smile he could manage. Just a slight movement of lips to create the perfect small blushing smile.

Your eyes were fixed on him and only him. Your throat felt dry and you licked your lips out of habit before gulping.

His eyes narrowed down on your lips as he took in a sharp breath, his hand still holding onto your cheek, making it warm.

He unknowingly leaned down. As if he was searching for something for so long and finally found it, his eyes sparkled with wholesome emotions as he occasionally glanced at your eyes, too; but his focus was stolen by your glistening lips.

Your breathing was heavy with shallow breaths and you struggled to keep your legs straight. Your knees felt like it would give up anytime soon. The urge to hold onto him and rely on his shoulders was very powerful.

His other hand also found its way to your cheeks as he now held your face in his hands securely while still coming closer to you. You didn't feel like saying anything at the moment, because you were lost. And you knew you might regret being like this afterwards but that was not the topic of concern right now.

His breath fanned your lips as he rested his forehead on yours while closing his eyes, making you close yours in an instant.

The moment his lips touched yours had you floating up above those rainy dark clouds. Nothing mattered more than him anymore. You forgot your relation with him and even the fact that you were practically kissing your student.

Those thoughts can rest for a while in the back of your head.

He softly moved his lips on yours, taking every inch of your red cherry ones in his dominate pair of lips. His lips have always been attracted you in some way, and you always wondered if those would feel good!

You got your answer today!

Oh, Holy angels of heaven! He tasted like chocolate and smelled like pine trees. Sharp, sweet and refreshing.

A whimper left his mouth as he detached his lips from your for a tiny bit of second and dived in again to feel you more.

One of his hand sneaked around your neck and pulled you closer. You did no attempts to push him away and that assured him to do more. You hands were clung onto his shirt as you felt like your legs would turn jelly if you let go of him.

He licked your lower lip and bit on it to let you know his desperation. You tried moving your lips on his with as much intensity but you couldn't match his pace. It was your first kiss after all!

You were hesitating on how to keep up with it as you really had no experience and he seemed to sense it and pulled away making you whine. You couldn't believe yourself but ignored the way you behaved like a teenager. He smirked and whispered against your lips.

"Noona! Just go with the flow, hm? I won't force you to do anything else, just enjoy," saying this he attached his lips with yours again.

Your toes curled at how his voice sounded so fucking hot. And now your mind finally seemed to get in the fact that this boy right in front of you is kissing you and you are letting him do whatever he wants.

His hands went down from your nape to your back as he traced his fingers on your skin above the fabric of your dress. He couldn't stop torturing your already swollen lips, you could feel him smile in the kiss as he guided your hand behind his back and made you hug him. He clasped your body in his arms and hugged while still kissing you.

"Ahem! Sorry to interrupt but you guys can continue this after we get home. For now we really need to get going." it was Jimin.

That pulled you out of the euphoric land you were in just right now before he ruined it. But the embarrassment was going to kill you now.

Oh my my!!


*clears throat* since you guys were screaming for a kiss so....
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