Chapter 178 - Summoning a demon

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XG 178 - Summoning a demon

Chen Yibo had not expected that Wong Xue Guo would fall unconscious from absorbing Ari's heart, just as he had not expected she would wake up three minutes later.

It took Wong Xue Guo a moment to adjust herself back to the moment before her soul spirited away. With a flick of her finger, she sends out her shadow, letting it travel on the ground where the dimming sky provided a perfect cover to hide its tracks. It moved extremely quickly toward the remaining zombies and absorbed their energy.

No one noticed what her shadow did except for Chen Yibo, who had been paying extra close attention to her actions, the sharp-eyed L.L and Gen Lang, the master of details.

Kang Xunsu would have normally noticed it, but his leg was already aching in pain for a while now, which affected his attention and patience. It was already a miracle that he was still standing straight, even if his back was completely drenched with sweat.

When Wong Xue Guo did nothing to explain her action, acting as if it never happened, the three discreet men also acted the same.

It was automatically swept under the rug.

"Xue Guo, are you feeling alright? Let's get you back to the lab to rest." The concerned Chen Yibo hovered worriedly over her, not noticing Wong Xue Guo's gaze towards him was very different than before.

"Hmm..." Wong Xue Guo allowed Chen Yibo to approach her and she closed the remaining gap herself, leaning her head on his shoulder. She hugged his arm to support her upright, giving off an air of fragility.

Her action startled Chen Yibo, as this was far different from how she used to behave. Although he knew she could be fragile under her tough and apathetic persona, she had never exposed her weakness to this degree.

Or even acting this... spoiled.

"Are you feeling unwell?" Chen Yibo quickly inquired when he heard her inhale loudly.

"I'm okay. Just let me rest on you for a while."

By the time he noticed something odd, especially with the way she had stared at him, almost everyone was looking at the pair teasingly, already caught up with Wong Xue Guo's antics way before he did.

His arm under her grip was the first to tense up before it spread to the rest of his body. Even if he was uncomfortable, he did not pull himself away. His lack of protest had her continue resting some of her weight on him, and completely exposed how strong her passion was for him with her gaze.

Thanks to Mr Demon's rich experience in love relationships that he was not shy to share, it became clearer to Wong Xue Guo just how rare Chen Yibo was. If she was planning to play hard to get to lure Chen Yibo into her trap, that was no longer the plan. Or most of the plan. Who knows if after she laid out the groundwork to trap him, someone would come and reap her hard work?

Just that thought was enough to make her blood boil. She might as well be aggressive and corner him from the start! To make his attention stick, she will play a little hard to get, but still able to be captured with a little more effort.

If the inexperienced Chen Yibo could notice that, everyone around them could as well. They were curious how Chen Yibo would respond to Wong Xue Guo's fiery gaze that could set him ablaze.

The amateur Chen Yibo does not know what to do with the tingles wrecking his out-of-nowhere sensitive nerves, all thanks to the extra heat in Wong Xue Guo's eyes when she looked at him. The fire in her eyes was full of fervour nearly had him blush and her lack of spectacles allowed him to look into her eyes easier. "Er... do you want to rest... back at the base?"

Even if Wong Xue Guo wanted to push until he yield, she also knew not to overstep his boundary. She does not want him to run away from her.

She removed her head from his shoulder, but let her hands remain wrapped around his arm. "There's something important that I want to discuss with Godbrother about. Escort me there, please?"

They had suffered quite a severe casualty and needed a lot of manpower to help clean up the mess, so there were only a few important people in the room, listening to Wong Xue Guo's explanation. At first, not everyone took Wong Xue Guo's words seriously, as most of the scientists were hardcore facts believers. The magical wonders of the Alpha gene could be accepted by them because they had witnessed what it can do and had no choice but to acknowledge it.

But to hear that the Alpha gene that caused the disaster and also their way to fight back was actually originated from a demon's flesh?

If it was not because Chin Chun, Director Choi and Director Chen seriously listening to Wong Xue Guo's story, they would not have given her words a certain level of trust.

There was zero doubt coming from those that knew her well enough not to make up a nonsense story as well as because they could feel the subtle difference from her. She radiated calming confidence and was more contemplative than she used to be.

Her gaze towards Chen Yibo was also far different than it used to be. Previously, it was only an innocent, gentle budding of love, but now, it was boiling hot and threatening to unload the lava at the target of her love.

"This guy, Zene, might be the only one in this world that survived after having his flesh sliced and eaten by whole villagers." Just hearing that a few people's faces turned green with the urge to puke.

From Mr Demon's mouth, Zene was one of the sacrifices picked by the villagers to summon a God to save them from a deadly plague. The doctor was helpless and there were more and more people dying so they resorted to 'appeasing' God's anger by sacrificing Zene, who at that time was in a secret relationship with the chief's underage daughter and got caught.

The village chief was the one that picked Zene, which was agreed by everyone, as it was better than having one of them picked. None of Zene's friends or relatives stopped it and the ritual was conducted. Not even the chief's wife, who he had not known to also have an illicit relationship with Zene, dared to risk her marriage by defending Zene.

But they succeed in summoning a demon instead of a God.

It was understandable that Zene does not want to die, and bargained with the demon while the villagers ignorantly prayed for forgiveness. In exchange for his immortality, he would bring more food to the demon. The contract was successfully formed and Zene, who was happy to be granted immortality by absorbing some of Mr Demon's essence, did not anticipate that Mr Demon would be so mischievous.

Mr Demon had actually told the villagers that eating Zene's flesh and drinking his blood would cure their sickness and they actually believed him. Even more humorous was that Mr Demon was faithfully referred to as God after they had gotten well from eating and drinking Zene's flesh and did not even question that unholy act. Maybe, deep in their heart, they questioned it but were willing to be fooled for the plague to end.

That incident also allowed Zene to discover just how his newly gained ability worked.

"To think we are the descendants of those villagers that ate Zene's flesh..." One of the directors finally could not hold back and ran to the washroom to puke. Previously, he was already scared of activating the Alpha gene in him. After hearing this, the chance of him agreeing to be an Awaken in the future was nil! 

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