Chapter 154 - Seek cooperation by delivering a bomb

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XG 154 - Seek cooperation by delivering a bomb

The beta testers using booster shots have some control in manipulating the direction of their ability manifestation. Thus, they succeeded in getting useful abilities. For example, they got two electricity users, but one could have lighting flash around the sky, while the other emits small electricity that could charge up devices.

There was no record of insanity after the volunteers' Alpha gene was activated, but there was one record of failure. Even so, the total success rate was high, so the trial test could be considered a success. The side effects were just as they said, with some having more serious health decline, but it was not an overly serious issue that could not be fixed with more food consumption.

It was something worth to be celebrated and even those originally timid researchers started to show interest in getting their genes activated.

In this new era, those with weaker physical were more worried about their ability to survive than those with good physical strength. If they had useful abilities, they would no longer need to cower behind the strong and constantly need to worry about finding a safe place.

Wong Xue Guo was strangely glad that the apocalypse gave a portion of humanity a chance to gain ability because of the Alpha gene. It happened in many novels she had read, where ability users or the zombies would have a crystal nucleus in their brain and she never knew why it would be there. The crystal nucleus would either be their world's currency, or a power booster to upgrade their ability.

It was an overused idea by many authors, with greedy people killing other ability users to absorb their crystal nucleus to get stronger.

That was just sick with no one able to trust people and she was glad it was something that happened in a fictional book.

While everyone in the lab was busy with the Awakening process and stuff, the guard on duty at the newly built tall guardhouse noticed something unusual from his binoculars.

"Guys... trouble incoming!"

"Hmm? Are there more zombies that came over? Those are my targets, okay?" A guard with a beanie hat said.

Their base was quite an outskirt area, so even if there were occasionally zombies managed to wander over, it would not be an overwhelming number. They would be solved by the watch guards or people that wanted to train their combat skills.

"A white van is coming towards us at full speed!" There were three speakers installed on top of it, likely to be an election publicity van.

This would not be the first time someone had driven up to Musihada gates, requesting entry, only to be denied. Their base had too many unauthorized survivors camping on their land and they would not accept any more when they often caught people trying to break into their lab with sinister intentions. The uninvited guests often would have no choice but accept the verdict when faced with guns, but some had boldly tried to crash the gate down with a vehicle.

It was good that they fortified the gate whenever they had extra materials. But it was still better not to test how durable their gate was.

"The driver seems to be alone in the van. He's not slowing down! He's intending to barge in! Have the ability user group prepare for ambush!" The guard that was watching through the binoculars reported after seeing the van speed up the closer it got to the gates.

If it was only the van, the guards could handle it. But chasing right behind the vehicle was a horde of zombies that regained their ferocious energy as autumn arrived.

If the van did not stop and successfully brought down even a small part of the fence, the zombies would do whatever they could to force entry to reach for fresh meat!

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