Chapter 50 - You are my third and available choice

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XG 50 - You are my third and available choice

Wong Xue Guo's limbs were sore and aching from tiredness. Despite the sore muscles, she should have longed for sleep, especially on the comfy bed and dark room. Usually, the dark room allowed her to sleep well, but now it had changed to providing an endless imagination of zombies or killers jumping out of the dark to kill her.

Tonight was difficult to sleep. (눈_눈)

She, who was used to sleeping alone, suddenly thought it was dangerous to be alone. The four walls around her do not feel as safe as always anymore.

After tossing for a long time, she finally gave up. Grabbing her pillow, she was about to exit her room, only to retrace her steps and grab her sword from the bedside table. She had to get used to the habit of bringing her sword with her everywhere, treating it like her third arm that could not be separated from her.

Her soft slippers almost made no noise as she moved down the corridor. She knocked on Aurora's door but no one answered her. Thinking she was asleep, she tested the doorknob, only to find it was unlocked.

There was no one on the tidily made bed.

A little sympathetic to Aurora that might still be working under her father's orders, Wong Xue Guo moved to her next target, Kang Xunsu.

She was not very familiar with Nana, even if they had been seeing each other twice per day during school days. It would be quite awkward sharing a room with her, especially when she was not sure if she was rooming with Smoker.

She does not want to be disliked for interrupting their couple time.

Strangely, Kang Xunsu was not in his room too, which he shared with L.L and Noodle.

"He won't be back soon. You can take his bed." L.L. immediately knew the little princess wanted to sleep together, seeing she brought her pillow with her. Noodle was still cleaning up with others and L.L. opt out by hiding in his room to wipe his guns.

"... No, thank you. I will return to my room." Wong Xue Guo also does not feel comfortable sharing a room with L.L. It was a different case for Kang Xunsu, who treated her as his little sister.

A little curious, she sneaked to the ground floor and saw that the floor was already cleaned up with a heavy scent of disinfection. But there was no one around. So where were Noodle, Aurora, and Kang Xunsu?

A little lightbulb lit in her mind and she no longer pursues where the latter two's whereabouts were.

However, she still refused to sleep alone. She had tried sleeping with lights on before, but when she woke up the next day, she would feel as if she had not rested well. Right now, she must get all the sleep she could get.

And so, she headed to her last target, Chen Yibo. As he had already seen through her feigned politeness, it does not matter if he witnesses another weakness of hers. It would also be fun to see how much he would tolerate her.

Wong Xue Guo admits she was quite sick in the head, to mess with Chen Yibo's goodwill. Yet she was also unclear on why she would behave in such a manner, or why there was almost no desire to stop doing so.

Did Chen Yibo's goody-two-shoes unnerved her to this extent that she wanted to see him unnerved as well?

It was past twelve and Chen Yibo happened to be still awake. And gotten a shock of his life when he saw the pajamas clothed Wong Xue Guo, hugging a large pillow and her sword in her other hand.

He immediately knew what she wanted to do. "It's not appropriate. Why don't you ask if your father could accompany you-"

"My first and second choice are not available, so you are my third and available choice." She was not so daring as to seek out her father to sleep together. She would be too stressed to get any sleep if that happens.


"Are you admitting you will harass me while I'm asleep?" Wong Xue Guo raised an eyebrow rather challengingly.

Of course, Chen Yibo would never admit that just to push her away. "No, but-"

"In this kind of situation where it's dangerous to be alone, we should stick together. We had done that when we took turns to shower. You also promised my parents that you will protect me. Sleeping together will be safer, where you can keep an eye on me and rest at the same time. I see that you are still tending to your injuries? Do let me help you."

And so, Chen Yibo was forced to make way for Wong Xue Guo into his room. Getting him to sit down, she applied the ointment on his fortunately only skin-deep cuts.

"I didn't get the chance to do so earlier. Thank you for saving me again."

"...You are welcome."

"Are there any injuries on your back?"

"No. I managed to block the attacks with my arms."

"Tsk. Next time, try not to block using your body. Fortunately, that ghost only has a small knife, not a sword, or else you will not even have your arm anymore."

"Why did you call him a ghost?"

Wong Xue Guo rolled her eyes when he once again ignored her scolding. Does he not get angry at all?

"Well, I don't know what to call that... soul? Spirit? Ghost would suit him well, with his strange kink of possessing dead bodies and all."

"Strange kink..." Chen Yibo laughed, once again taken aback by Wong Xue Guo's strange thinking.

"How is that funny?"

"What do you think he's planning to do?" Chen Yibo changed the subject.

Wong Xue Guo snorted. "You, the brains, are asking me?"

"I just thought maybe you have a different view on it. It's better to share our thoughts instead of blindly following one person's thoughts."

"Hmm. Then what do you think? I will add my views if they differ from yours."

"This ghost purposely took over Kiat's body to find a chance to approach Miu to kill her. It's unclear why he would change his mind and follow Mr. Wong later when it would make it more difficult to kill Miu. It was until the ghost aimed at you that most of the questions cleared up."

Wong Xue Guo blinked. "You think this ghost is from the same group as those people that attacked us back home? The pink lady?"

"It would not be strange if they do. We assume the ghost has the ability to possess people's bodies. The group of intruders also have strange abilities. And both of them appear before us with the purpose of killing."

She placed down the ointment, as all cuts on Chen Yibo's body were already coated with it. She had even gone as far as coating it thick in hopes that it would speed up his recovery. "If Miu's name is on the dead list, it would make sense to be targeted. The pink lady had said that she's there to remove me. Both of us are predicted to die early."

Then she clapped her hand. "Okay, I may be the weakest in the group, but why would the ghost specifically switch to target me instead of Miu, his original target? Won't that be easier for him to kill her first?"

Chen Yibo nodded in agreement. He was also unsure why those people were obsessed with killing Wong Xue Guo and if they were correct in their guess, it also included those that had survived past their death date.

"There must be a reason why they want you dead. The only plausible reason is that your existence could have a potential risk in crippling their plan, even more than Miu's ability."

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