Chapter 90 - Sinnyeom Hospital

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XG 90 - Sinnyeom Hospital

"Why do you let me join when it's an important mission?" Wong Xue Guo asked, uneasy.

"Not enough help. Your skills are also better than beginners not used to killing zombies, so it's better than nothing," Kang Xunsu said.

"Is that why Mr. Vihaan joined us?"

With no L.L in the team, Vihaan took over the driving but Kang Xunsu was still the one reading the map. Does he have some sort of liking towards map reading?

"The research met a bottleneck so I'm not needed for now. There's also Mr. Song and Yuna if they need to test something," Vihaan said.

Wong Xue Guo was assured the scientists were not conducting evil research, as Vihaan was not a fool or that self-sacrificing to undergo inhuman torturous experiments if it was. He also looked fine and was not acting like an imprisoned person that will seek the chance to escape. 

But he looked very thin and unhealthy.

"Could you talk about the research to us?" Wong Xue Guo asked guardedly.

"As long as it's only with our trusted people, it's fine. It's not exactly a secret," Vihaan assured, but she was still doubtful.

The scientist had finally discovered how to identify who has the gene and who does not have it. After solving that issue, they proceed to research on how to activate and deactivate the gene, but their result was fruitless even with the help of Miu's prediction ability. Their testing was too broad and far away from their goal to check the result with her ability.

Perhaps God pitied them because it was at such a right moment that they fished out a spy hiding among them and got some useful news.

"Today's mission is to find whether the spy's words are true or not," Kang Xunsu said.

"What did that spy say?"

"That spy had sold one of the gene samples to the Sinnyeom hospital, where we are going to.”

With such a large vast area of land occupied by Musihada Laboratory, it would be hard to believe if no one was curious about what they were researching. They had expected there would be some people infiltrating their lab to spy on them and no matter how good their security was, it was difficult to guard against everyone.

Wong Xue Guo had seen a few movies where it was the spy that caused the experiment to let loose and thus, the virus broke out.

“the transaction is before the breakout happens. From his mouth, they are researching the gene in a different direction than our scientists, so their findings might be useful. Our objective today is to retrieve the research results, that's why we need Jackson. Choi Yerim will be collecting medicine and drugs we are running low."

Vihaan sighed as he dodged the cars parked randomly on the road. "The spy does not know which floor the files would be but he knew it was the east building. We might need to go through every floor to search for the laboratory."

So they would definitely be cleaning up most of the zombies in the hospital while searching. Just thinking about the number of patients, visitors, doctors, and nurses that had turned into zombies were already stressful.

Like always, the drive was peaceful with no zombies bothering them. Till now, Wong Xue Guo still does not understand why. Could it be that the winter also made them feel it was a hassle to break down a car to get to the humans?

The zombies had also evolved into a new look, and till now, she could not decide if it looked better or worse. They no longer have much flesh left on them, as they were rotting so quickly that winter was useless in delaying the process and gradually revealed more of their pristine white bone. The smell could make one faint from it if it was summer, but luckily it was winter and by the time the season changed, most of their flesh might have already rotten away.

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