Chapter 118 - Damn, that's spicy!

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Warning: Bully. 

XG 118 - Damn, that's spicy!

Staring blankly around the small-sized bedroom, Wong Xue Guo felt at a loss.

The last thing Wong Xue Guo remembered was being stabbed and Kang Xunsu slapping her face to keep her awake. So why was she suddenly in an entirely different place?

Strangely, she also does not feel any pain, her clothes were clean and there was no sign of injuries on her at all. Based on her personal judgement, this place does not look like Heaven or Underworld. Her personal esthetics would prefer a more grand and fancy place as Heaven or Underworld. This was also not her bedroom back at home, which was twice bigger than this, and she had never seen this bedroom before.

But her current situation definitely involved supernatural stuff, for when she tried to open the door, her hand passed through the doorknob.

That was a freaky experience, alright?!

It did not take long for her to recover from her shock and try to make some sense of her new situation. Since she was in a 'ghostly' state, she tried to walk past the door, but no matter how much she tried, there was an invisible wall that prevented her from leaving. Puzzled, she tried to touch the things in the room, but her hands always passed by them. There was a window, but with the curtain covering them and her hand unable to part them, she was doomed to be unable to see the situation outside.

Will I be trapped in this room? Forever?

The growing fear in her heart had her cried out in fright when the door to the bedroom suddenly banged open, hitting the wall loudly. The person walking in does not seem to be able to see or hear her and just stomped into the room before once again fiercely closing the door shut.

"Woojin?" Wong Xue Guo immediately recognized the owner of this bedroom and moved out of the way before she would possibly get to experience being walked past her body. There were no picture frames in this room, and the books sprawled on the table were written in Korean. Reading names was still difficult for her, so she failed to realize it was Woojin's name.

Woojin's appearance was the only clue to her as to who the owner of this bedroom was.

This Woojin was wearing the same school uniform as he did when they first met, with the only difference being that the current him was heavily bruised. He tossed his dirty school bag, which was also the same one he had been carrying around, onto the floor before he followed the same path. Wrapping his arms around his knees, Woojin hid his face in his arms but she could still hear his low sobs.

"Hello?" Wong Xue Guo tried again to grab his attention but to no result.

Then, someone knocked on the door. "Woojin ah, come out and eat dinner. Don't starve yourself."

Wong Xue Guo assumed the woman outside was Woojin's mother, but the person himself ignored her. However, she noticed Woojin restrained the sounds of his cries even more after the door was knocked.

Could this be Woojin's memory? Why would she be here, seeing his memory? There was no blood exchange between them, or dying together like how it usually happened in the movies to create a mental link or whatever, so how does this supernatural event even happen?

Anyway, since she could not do anything now, she would just continue watching this 'movie'. Based on her speculation alone, she guessed that Woojin was a thug, involved in a fight and got into an argument with his parents. There were many people with their personalities on the opposite spectrum from their appearance.

But his crying does not make sense if that was the case.

Was Woojin being bullied instead?

With not enough information in hand, Wong Xue Guo could only do random speculation until the movie finally revealed the truth. Just as she thought of that, the scene suddenly changed like a PowerPoint slideshow. She was now in a living room, with Woojin facing a middle-aged couple seated on a couch.

Wong Xue Guo's mind stopped for a second when she saw Woojin. He looked much worse than before, both in appearance and mental state. His eyes were dull with dark eyebags, similar to one that had been going through a lot and very close to giving up in life. But his body frame was still much heavier than his current time self, and highly possible that his journey would get even worse to lose so much weight.

"Woojin ah, just bear for one more year. After that, the young master will lose interest, become sensible and no longer bother you," Woojin's mother pleaded with tears in her eyes.

Wong Xue Guo's heart skipped hearing that. Did his mother just tell him to continue being like that, endure with whatever caused him to be in this bad state, for one more year? By then, Woojin might be a broken human!

By now, Wong Xue Guo was pretty sure Woojin was bullied. Not to say she hated Crocus citizens to assume he was being bullied, but she had seen quite a number of Crocus country's dramas or manga where the character was bullied in school and unable to get justice. The most favourite theme of the bullied character's helplessness of being stuck being a victim was to protect their family's work position or relation.

For the movies to portray those situations quite frequently, dare they admit it does not happen in real life?

To her horror, as she watched on, Woojin's father actually admitted it!

"Woojin, our family is indebted to Mr Han. They paid us high salaries that no other job will offer. Because we are working under them, it's normal for them to look down on us. Do not provoke the young master or we will lose everything we have."

"... So you don't care if you lose your son too?" Woojin asked with an emotionless voice. His eyes meet his father's, and the latter could not maintain eye contact for more than a second.

"Don't be so dramatic over such a small event! It's just injuries that could heal in a short time and the young master will not dare to go too far. Just let him do it until he graduates. After that, he will not have the time to remember you," Woojin's father advised with a heavy expression.

Contrary to his father's expectations, Woojin and Wong Xue Guo do not think so. Unless something earth-shattering happened to the 'young master', a bully would never learn until he gets bored or finds a new 'toy' to replace the old 'toy'.

Wong Xue Guo bet the only thing that saved Woojin... was the apocalypse that happened.

As if to prove Wong Xue Guo's words were right, the scene changed again and stopped at a school's front gate. An uncomfortable looking Woojin was stopped by a group of unfriendly looking guys wearing different school uniforms. She does not see what happened next when the scene quickly changed to a hotel room.

Seeing the large bed, bruised Woojin, and a slappable worthy boy in a different uniform, Wong Xue Guo's mind went down to the other lane when the three things entered the same picture.

Unbelievable! Could it be the 'young master' raped Woojin? Was the actual story behind the bully was the 'young master' had secretly fallen in love with Woojin but refused to admit his sexual orientation and choose to vent at his object of fascination for bending him?!

Damn, that's spicy!

But very soon, her spicy imagination was proven to be wrong.

The 'young master' brought Woojin into a hotel room to beat Woojin up because he just thought other places were dirty!

Wong Xue Guo was uncomfortable seeing Woojin being treated as a sandbag, even if they were enemies. But her current ghostly state could not stop the bullying scene, nor could she change anything that had already happened.

Disturbed, she wondered how long she needed to watch this when she heard screams that were getting louder coming from the direction of the window. Curious if this was the start of the zombie invasion, she went to the window and was not really surprised when she could see nothing, since Woojin had not seen it.

"Why is it so noisy? Really ruining my mood," the 'young master' sneered and stopped his nasty hobby. He straightened up and to Wong Xue Guo's disgust, a certain male part of his was fucking erect! He really got off from beating up Woojin!

This freaking sick bastard!

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