Chapter 115 - A habitual firestarter

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XG 115 - A habitual firestarter

"Kwangsu! Jump out and call for help! The moment you land, roll your body!" Beom Seok yelled.

Wiping his tears with his sleeve, Kwangsu shook his limbs to loosen them from the numbness. Sniffing his tears and snot back harshly, he cried out, "Got it!"

"Don't let them escape!" A woman toss an empty glass bottle at Kwangsu, who fortunately dodged in time. The glass broke upon contact with the wall and the harsh noise shook Kwangsu's heart.

"Don't kill them! Nanse wants them as next week's sacrifice!" A fool countered his fellow member, not realizing the truth that the one in power was not them.

On the floor, Seonmi grabbed the leg of the guy aiming for Kwangsu, refusing to let go. "Go!"

Kwangsu took a deep breath and smashed the window with his thickly padded shoulder a few times until the hole was enough for his size. Swallowing nervously and praying once for his safety, he jumped off the window and used anything along the way to help him break his fall. Of course, his fall was noticed by L.L., who immediately notified Kang Xunsu.

Slightly disoriented from the clumsy body roll, Kwangsu scrambled up to his feet, ignoring whatever injury he had gotten from the fall and started to yell at the top of his lungs as he sprinted across the street to where his group members were hiding. "It's a trap! Woojin is the leader! Woojin is Nanse!"

Kang Xunsu immediately went to find Teacher Jang after hearing the translation from Kim Sung-Ho, but Teacher Jang was one step faster than everyone. He was already halfway reaching the church and was darn lucky that none of L.L's bullets was able to reach him. It was also his clumsy zig-zagging form as he ran that saved his ass.

"Woojin... is the leader? Impossible! Where's Seonmi?!" Haneul wanted to rush out and met Kwangsu halfway, but Kang Xunsu's gun pointing at him stopped him.

"Tell me something good if you don't want to die quickly," Kang Xunsu promised darkly.

"We... We don't know anything! If anyone among us that would know Woojin is Nanse, it would be Teacher Jang!" The chubby guy wailed, trembling from Ash aiming his gun at him.


Haneul was worried about Seonmi inside the church, but they had to clarify things first if they still want Kang Xunsu's team to continue helping them. "Teacher Jang is especially close to Woojin. Actually, Seonmi, me and Hwalgi were among the students that stayed at school from the start of the outbreak. That was not the case for Teacher Jang and Woojin. They had only come to the school not long ago... maybe five days ago? They would also go out once a day to find food by themselves."

The more Haneul recalled, the more things he abnormal things he noticed. He does not know much about Woojin, since they were in different grades. Seonmi would know more about Woojin as they joined the same club.

Kwangsu inhaled generously before giving a longer report. "She and Beom Seok are working together to stop them from chasing me so that I can pass the information to everyone! Xue Guo is fighting Woojin directly after jumping down together with him!"

Hearing that Seonmi was helping them, Kang Xunsu lowered his gun. Haneul exhaled in relief. "Please help us rescue Seonmi! I promise the three of us do not know anything about Woojin and Teacher Jang's involvement with the church. We will also not side with them!"

"Good answer. We will talk about what you know more about Woojin later. We will rescue people first," Kang Xunsu said.

"But... we have too few people on our side!" the chubby kid, Hwalgi, pointed out in fear. "We... We also don't know how to fight..."

"Then learn," Ash interrupted. He might not be learning Korean as fast as Wong Xue Guo, but it was enough to understand and match the words. "You can't expect to always be saved by your friends!"

"We will charge right in!" Kang Xunsu yelled, no longer waiting for Duljjae's group that was on the way. He was worried about Wong Xue Guo, as well as what she was going to do.

That princess' guts are getting bigger!

The 'bungee jumping' Wong Xue Guo quickly pushed Woojin away from her before they hit the ground. She broke her own fall as best as she could by doing a roll, but it still hurt. She grinned, pleased the gamble she took had Woojin's ability lifted and returned mobility to her teammates.

She does not get to be happy for long, and a burst of pain spreads on her back when someone managed to get close to her back and hits her with a thick stick. Swinging her sword at whoever was at her back, she moved away, only to be greeted by another cult member.

What a shame, that Woojin was rescued before he could hit the floor from the fall. He glared at Wong Xue Guo angrily and ordered his people to kill her.

It was understandable that they would send members with lower authority to check the fire, while the higher ranked, or more useful members would remain behind with the sacrifices. Wong Xue Guo could testify that, as they were harder to deal with than those members above.

When it comes to mentality, she was now truly different from the weak chicken she was from the start of the apocalypse. At that time, she was too careful and did not dare to take risks, and with the mindset of placing herself and her parents' safety as her only priority. Everything else does not matter.

But now, her courage took a great leap, and she even dared to volunteer to enter the enemy's base. Not only that, she was facing a large number of enemies all by herself. Oh, she was no longer alone, for Beom Seok had joined her after following her example of jumping down from the second floor. Seonmi was hiding somewhere, unknown what she was up to.

After getting tricked once, Wong Xue Guo's initial evaluation of the teenagers was forced to be evaluated. Even if Woojin had attacked Seonmi along with the rest of them, who knows if it was another trick and that she was going to backstab them when their guard was down again?

Wong Xue Guo needed to reflect on herself. Not only has her courage grown, but her blind confidence in her strength has also grown. Or else, why would she not bother to look deeper into the student's arrival? That she would easily accept their story without questioning them more?

Just because they were students, just like her? Seems sincere in rescuing their friends? What absurd reasoning. It was already a big mistake not to confirm if the hostages were really their friends and not bait.

Beom Seok managed to make his way to her side and quickly whispered, "Seonmi will start another fire. Pay attention to the timing to release the sacrifices and then we will quickly escape from here while they are distracted."

Of course, their new plan would only work if the church members have plans to protect their current base.

"How will she start a fire?" Wong Xue Guo asked suspiciously and at the same time saw Teacher Jang burst into the chapel from the front door.

Perhaps she had watched too many dramatic movies, for in her mind, Teacher Jang resembled a lover that rushed over to stop his beloved's wedding ceremony. But she was thankful for his arrival, because he acted as a stop button, stopping the attacks and allowing them to take a short break.

Beom Seok rushed to explain, "Woojin dropped his bag when you grabbed him. Seonmi found a lot of matches and oil bottles inside."

"... A habitual firestarter?" That answered who started the fire in the attic.

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