Chapter 129 - Freaking tailor-made for them

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It's Monday, the start of the week. Let's enjoy it so that the rest of the week will branch out following the mood~

XG 129 - Freaking tailor-made for them

"How do you feel?"

"Can you be more specific?" Wong Xue Guo stared at Chen Yibo seated opposite her, holding onto a thin stack of paper with questions printed on it.

"Do you feel any discomfort?" Chen Yibo continues reading from the paper.


"How about your injuries?"

"Feels almost as if they did not exist in the first place."

"How is your mood?"

"Seems normal."

"Do you feel tired?"

"Nothing out of ordinary."

"Do you feel hungry?"

"Not particularly."

The scribbling suddenly stopped. Chen Yibo raised his head to look at Wong Xue Guo, clearly thinking about something not good. "Did you eat anything after waking up?"

"Is drinking water considered?"

Chen Yibo's expression looked even more severe. "Do you feel tired or drained when Woojin uses his ability on you?"

"Not exactly? Just getting an emotional burden from his own fear instead of mine. I got a little dizzy from the memories and emotions, but they quickly left after that."

"Can you clarify what you just said? You mention that you are feeling his fear instead of yours."

"Yes, I could see his memories that he feared. I saw he was bullied."

"It's different from Beom Seok's experience with Woojin's ability." Chen Yibo was informed about Woojin's ability, including his backlash. But no one had said anything about Woojin able to see their memories unless he was hiding that part of his ability. "Perhaps you could see his memories because of the backlash."

"You could be right since it's also different from my first experience of his ability at the church too."

Chen Yibo returned to the questionnaires. "Do you feel hungry or thirsty after that?"

"Not really. Food was the last thing in my mind at that time." She was busy thinking about how not to ruin her image in front of Woojin and strive to remain as cool as possible.

"Xue Guo, during your six days of unconscious state, you have not eaten any solid food, but we did insert a nutrient drip for you. However, even with it, you should have felt hungry." If Chen Yibo was not called away, he would have brought food for her when she took a shower earlier.

Wong Xue Guo's eyes widened in realization. "I don't feel tired or hungry like how those people experienced during their gene activation."

"Yes, that is a surprise." Chen Yibo quickly jotted down the information. "Or maybe you will not feel hungry or tired until your genes become fully activated. Perhaps that is another advantage of awakening the Alpha gene naturally."

Miu and Grandpa Song's experience was not informative, as both of them could not remember much of their experience back then. White hair and weight loss do not seem unbelievable after surviving a fatal accident that took a toll on their health, especially when Miu lost her parents at the same time.

"Now that you say it, my mind is telling me I need to eat. I think my stomach is starting to tell me it wants to be fed."

"I will bring you some food after we finish answering the questions. Are you alright with it?"

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