Chapter 159 - I also carried lots of dead bodies before

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XG 159 - I also carried lots of dead bodies before

"You won't be able to rest properly here. Father, can you help me carry Yibo to his room? I will need to carry the food instead."

After glancing at his father's slender frame, Chen YiWen changed his mind. "On second thought, I remember seeing Xue Guo's bodyguard around just now. I will get him to help."

It would be bad if their father accidentally sprained his back. Even if Chen Yibo had lost a lot of his fat, he was still heavy for a researcher that does not do heavy lifting normally. He was also afraid that his father's clumsy lifting might actually break something inside the currently fragile-looking Chen Yibo.

Director Chen grunted. "What's with the hassle? Isn't it good that he is resting here? No one will interrupt him here without permission."

His mind was completely focused on his job now that his youngest son woken up. Thus, he failed to catch the hints.

"Familiar environment is still an important factor to ease his mind to recover his body well. Father, please help me feed Yibo while I ask for help."


Chen YiWen passed the spoon to his father. "Hurry, father. Both of us are busy."

It was awkward, as Chen Yibo never had the memory of his father feeding him. Before Director Chen possibly feed his youngest son, Chen YiWen had already returned with Mocking.

With dirty-looking attire, Mocking arched an eyebrow upon seeing Chen Yibo's white hair. "Ah? Are you the reason why the little girl- ... miss is looking for hair dye? You look quite cool in white too."

"I think you misunderstood..." Chen Yibo helplessly said, but also worried about why Wong Xue Guo would want hair dye for. The last time he saw her, she had a head full of black, glossy hair.

He had asked her not to test his ability without him, but that was before the confession. She might have ignored his request and proceeded to continue her shadow experimentation. Kang Xunsu should be overseeing her, so whatever happened should not be out of hand.

"Mocking, we will need your help to carry Yibo to his room, please," Chen YiWen requested.

"No problem. I'd been moving heavy things around since I got here anyway. I also carried lots of dead bodies before."

Chen YiWen gave Mocking a suspicious glance from his last comment. He remembered seeing Mocking lifting a black bag when he called him earlier. His heavy-duty glove had a very suspicious stain and that black bag does resemble a human figure...

No way, right?

Chen YiWen firmly told himself it was just a zombie body that the corpse department experimented with!

Unlike his elder brother, Chen Yibo was not outright shocked, because he had heard some of his history from Kang Xunsu.

Mocking was an ex-prisoner that started afresh after fifteen years of jail time for murdering a drug dealer. With a good lawyer and justice as his reason for committing the crime to lighten his punishment, Mocking was not granted the death penalty.

When Chen Yibo first heard of that, he was worried for Wong Xue Guo's safety. But Aunt Suzie already knew about it and still accept Mocking under her employment. The main reason was that Mocking was a 'family friend', and they never blamed him for killing the drug dealer.

The young Chen Yibo was very uncomfortable with the issue of murder and never got close to Mocking, or even attempt to have a conversation with him. As a child, it was not appropriate to question the adult's judgement on things that he was not sure of. But as he grew older and discover that the world did not only consist of black and white colour, he learned to put down his personal opinion toward Mocking when he does not know the entire truth of the incident.

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