Chapter 76 - Sorry, we don't loan out our weapons

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XG 76 - Sorry, we don't loan out our weapons

It was actually difficult to keep track of who were her own people and who were the zombies, especially when the zombies' weakness was their heart. It was their faces that easily identified if they were zombies or not, but alas, if she used that method to identify them, she might make a mistake by stabbing their ugly heads instead of their hearts.

The little trick she had unconsciously learned during the fight in the shopping mall... had actually been forgotten. But even as she said that, that feeling was gradually coming back to her.

Keeping their mouths shut, they had all fought silently to avoid attracting more zombies into their current third shop lot. Taking the opportunity to take a short break before breaking into the second lot, Kang Xunsu also used that time to help L.L. climb up onto a wooden shelf.

Unfortunately, the shop was not a double story and L.L.'s skill as a sniper could not be used well. The second best thing was to find the highest spot in the shop, which was the shelves, even if they were still not tall enough but that will have to do. Luckily, the shelves were thick and designed to be sturdy, designed in preparation for an earthquake that might happen, so they were nailed to the floor.

It will not be overly dangerous when L.L. moved from shelves to shelves.

"Can I climb onto a shelf too?" Kim Sung-Ho raised his head to look up to ask L.L.

"Are you a good jumper?" L.L. asked. During his free time, Kim Sung-Ho ran over to ask him to teach him. That kid has a decent talent in shooting, so L.L. does not mind training him. With his enthusiasm and need to learn well, his performance was considered impressive for his age.

"I think I can do it."

"... I think it will still be safer for you to grab a ladder along with you. You can climb horizontally."

Kim Sung-Ho was still a growing boy and the length of his legs would not be enough to cross between shelves if he was a poor jumper. It would be bad if he falls and with his muted pain receptor, he would not realize until he saw signs of broken limbs.

"He can just stay on the ground to shoot," Wong Xue Guo could not help but point out at the group of serious-looking men. That way, Kim Sung-Ho would not need to risk falling and breaking something, right?

"No, he can shoot more from the top view. There are too many things blocking him from seeing in the wide view from the ground.," L.L. was the first to shoot down the idea. It would also cover him if he does not have enough time to get the zombie that manages to catch those on the ground off guard.

"It's dangerous to leave him behind with no one backing him." Kang Xunsu was worried that Kim Sung-Ho would fail to guard his own back.

"L.L. can protect him if he's in danger," Chen Yibo quipped.

Wong Xue Guo surrendered and let them do what they wanted. It also helped her feel a little safe that there were two snipers helping to keep an eye on the enemies for them.

To their advantage, the owner had torn down the walls between the lots, allowing L.L. and Kim Sung-Ho to move around without obstacles.

After helping Kim Sung-Ho climb up onto a shelf right beside the shelf L.L. picked to be his spot, Kang Xunsu and Chen Yibo raised the ladder for Kim Sung-Ho. It was fortunate that the shopkeeper arranged each shelf in the same column, which made it easier for the snipers to move.

L.L. nodded at the boy half his age. "I will leave my back to you."

Feeling valued, Kim Sung-Ho let out the brightest grin he ever had since his parents' death.

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