Chapter 56 - If we don't agree, you kick us out?

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XG 56 - If we don't agree, you kick us out?

"So what Madam Lok means is, we should help out, either in the form of monetary or labor. If we don't agree, you will kick us out?"

Lok Hui Man gave Wong Xue Guo her most apologetic expression. "I had done my best to speak on your behalf. But the other party members are very scared of letting more outsiders in and the residents are also making noises. We could no longer make allowance for you as we won't for everyone else from now on."

How could Wong Xue Guo not feel upset hearing that?

She was equally upset that her father had not left his study to entertain the guest, so she had to take up the task. If her father was here, he would most certainly not care about Lok Hui Man's face and mocked her until she ran away crying.

Or she hoped Lok Hui Man would run away crying. It would be difficult to make such a confident woman cry.

Alas, the junior Wong Xue Guo could only hold back her anger. Although rather reluctant to admit it, she could understand a bit about Lok Hui Man's point. After all, in the movies she watched, she had also been angry on the commander's behalf when the survivors did nothing but trouble in the safety base.

Lok Hui Man was a responsible and good leader. She thinks of everyone instead of siding with a small group of people. It was also a plus that the residents also choose to help out willingly instead of forcing themselves to work to trade for daily supplies.

But knowing it does not mean it does not hurt her, because she was in the small group of people Lok Hui Man did not choose to help.

"It does not matter," Wong Xue Guo finally spoke. "We are going to leave anyway."

"Leave?" Lok Hui Man's eyes flashed. "Are you going to find your mother?"

"Not exactly. As soon as my mother reaches the border, we will leave. Madam Lok, during our stay, we ate our own food, bought food with our own money, and stayed at our own purchased villa. Surely it isn't too unreasonable if we choose not to join the labor force or charity fund?"

Especially when they had not taken anything from them, right?

Lok Hui Man could not be thick-faced in disagreeing with Wong Xue Guo's words either. The other party was also a young girl and there was no need to speak harshly to her.

"Why don't you rethink your decision to leave? When was the last time you had talked with your mother? Outside is getting too dangerous to survive, even if your mother has bodyguards with her."

Actually, my mother might be stronger than our bodyguards.

Chen Yibo frowned at Lok Hui Man's indirect cursing for Suzie Yap to die and asked sharply, "What are you trying to imply, Madam Lok?"

Lok Hui Man was not surprised that Chen Yibo would come into his girlfriend's rescue, but it was a surprise for Wong Xue Guo. His action eased some of the stuffiness she felt in her heart at Madam Lok's words even if she was confident of her mother's strength.

Having someone to support you was actually quite nice.

Lok Hui Man guessed that they must have not heard from Suzie Yap, or else the young girl would defend against that statement.

"The communication line in this island had only just been restored. Your mother had also failed to show up till now. Did you not consider that your mother might not make it?" Lok Hui Man asked tentatively, which Wong Xue Guo outright believed was a lie, no matter how genuine she sounded.

She knew Lok Hui Man wanted them to stay to help her instead of genuinely caring for their safety. Maybe she did care, but her care towards them was just a small drop from her large pool of compassion.

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