Chapter 55 - Nothing worthy to see

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XG 55 - Nothing worthy to see

One of the zombies boldly stuffed its head into the gap and took a bite from the police's arm. The officer that was bitten knew his demise and randomly shot without care, spending all his bullets but failing to hit even one zombies' heart.

With his partner being bitten, the officer beside him was terrified. So terrified that he stepped onto the pedal and sent the car to hit an electric pole. Luckily, the driver had not pressed the gas pedal hard, or else the damage would have been bigger.

"The driver might still be alive," Chen Yibo commented worriedly, judging from the damage shown on the screen.

"Can you zoom in?" Lan Yan suddenly asked, her face expressing interest and Ta Kei obeyed.

"Fuck, is that the monster baby from the Sui family?" Brother Lam, who had also joined them in watching, asked after the screen was zoomed in.

There was a small spot that was moving towards the car crash. More accurately, it was the baby zombie that was crawling rather fast in the middle of the road, following behind the other zombies on their quest to increase the number of their family members.

The police officers in the second car were smarter after seeing the first car meet their demise and used their car to flatten the zombies. But of course, the strong zombies would not make the police officer's life easier. Their aggressive body-slamming had successfully cracked the windows. It won't take long for the glass to break completely.

The only zombie their car managed to flatten was the poor baby zombie.

"Zoom in there too." Lan Yan pointed in another direction.

"What do you want to see?" Ta Kei adjusted the camera.

"Towards the crashed car, focus on the driver. I want to see his ending," Lan Yan casually said, as if watching a person's death was normal.

"...Nothing worthy to see," Ta Kei rejected and expanded the lens again.

"Tsk." Lan Yan clicked her tongue but no longer insisted.

Wong Xue Guo's face was neutral but her heart screamed, 'Thank you, brother Ta Kei!'

She does not want to see but was afraid to offend Lan Yan if she moved away from her viewing spot.

In the end, it was the military that came to settle things down. They shoot straight at the zombies' hearts without wasting a bullet, clearly knowing their weakness. Just like that, all five zombies were dealt with, including the two poor police officers that were infected.

When Penang Island's phone and internet line was restored, the first thing the residents shared to their social media was the small zombie incident. Lok Hui Man was overjoyed that the communication was back online, not knowing who it was that helped her resolve this problem.

Her supplier must have thought the deal was off when the communication line was suddenly cut off and she had to hurriedly reaffirm their agreement.

The zombie incident was dangerous and Lok Hui Man was glad it was contained quickly. But this incident also helped her restrain those people from the outside that wanted to seek refuge from Penang Island. Those people would start thinking that Penang Island, the safe haven, was actually not that safe either.

While it frightened outsiders, it also frightened the residents. So much, that they demand their island not to accept any more outsiders, not even if they were the resident's family members. As long as they do not know their family member reached the island and demand entry, they could still pretend they were surviving somewhere else.

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