Chapter 44 - Aren't you supposed to worship your own father?

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XG 44 - Aren't you supposed to worship your own father?

"No, but your father is." Suzie Yap passed a white hard disk onto Wong Xue Guo's hands. "Your father needs this hard disk urgently. Remember, don't let anyone have this."

Gulping at her suddenly dry throat, the pain not as intense as before, Wong Xue Guo nodded as she clutched the hard disk that suddenly weighed a ton. It must contain a big secret to be so protective over it and have the urgency to hand it over to her father.

"Destroy it if I could not keep it?" Wong Xue Guo probe.

"No, bargain it with the right person if you face danger other than zombies."

"... Huh?"

"If Interpol stops you and your father is useless to help you, remember to check their badge first for their authenticity. I will send a copy of what their badge should look like. Use this hard disk to bargain for your freedom. Get more benefits during the negotiation. The hard disk is worth plenty."

The hard disk suddenly felt even heavier and her palm was already sweating. Was she holding this properly? How should she keep it safe?

Suzie Yap smiled at her nervous-looking daughter. Even afraid, she still did not ask her about the hard disk. How could she be so obedient? Her cute daughter must have gotten it from her silly father.

"This hard disk contains a communication app. It will connect straight to your father's godson, Chin Chun."

Wong Xue Guo felt even more worried. Her mother's tone as she mentioned Chin Chun was not pleasant. This was also the first time she heard her father had a godson. Does that mean her mother does not accept this godson?

... Please let this Chin Chun not be her father's illegitimate son or anything.

There were already plenty of stories where cheating husbands would adopt their illegitimate son without their wives knowing his real identity.

Let's hope Papa Wolf won't contribute a number to it.

Even Chen Yibo noticed Suzie Yap's sour tone at the mention of the godson, as he glanced at her in a puzzled manner.

"Your father adopted Chin Chun to inherit Wong's family business." As a daughter with zero self-defense techniques, it was only normal for her not to inherit her father's gang business.

Suzie Yap was afraid her daughter would feel sad hearing the first sentence, so she quickly added the next sentence. "As for our baby, we intend to leave Winter Fruit Pharmacy to you. The company has already hired professional employees, so Guo Guo can just leave it to them to help you work and just wait for them to earn money for you."

"Thank you for thinking about my future." Wong Xue Guo was truly sincere when she said those words, even if her mother made her sound like a useless owner.

Before high school graduation, her friends already have plans on what to do afterwards, except for her. The only time she had seriously thought of her future occupation was when the school required the students to fill up an occupation sheet during primary school.

But it was once thought by a child and should not be taken seriously.

As she grew older, she discovered the world was not as small or simple as she thought, with more consideration needed to think of. With her ambiguous identity with the real family background concealed from her, she had thought of many scenarios of what would happen to her in the future. The most depressing scenario was being wed off to an old and violent tycoon to secure a big business transaction like a typical TV drama.

Shadow In Your Mind [ARC 1- 5]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz