Chapter 135 - An Awakened person's ideal outcome

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XG 135 - An Awakened person's ideal outcome

Stabbing onto a sausage with her fork, Wong Xue Guo grumbled, "Telling me not to go, isn't it because it's dangerous?"

"You intend to awaken your genes and then go to Zinnia?" Chen Yibo asked.

"As long as Chin Chun still insists on us going, my personal opinion does not matter." Not that she was against it anyway. Chin Chun was a good excuse to use.

Later on the same day, Chin Chun asked whether she will continue activating her gene or not. She also knew it was not good to procrastinate any longer and went to find Woojin.

Woojin was looking well and energetic. So well that he smiled smugly when he saw Wong Xue Guo was the next person to ask for a session.

"Oh? I thought you had chickened out."

"Not at all. I just thought you need to regain your energy so I considerately didn't return quickly," Wong Xue Guo said, smiling like a caring and thoughtful lady.

"That's a fluke. It won't happen again."

Alas, Woojin was forced to swallow back his arrogance, because he found himself having a headache and an urge to vomit when it was just half a minute into the session.

He had been getting too comfortable lately and the sudden suffering broke him down much faster than before. But he was just using his normal ability, not his new one. So why was he feeling this way? Or does the problem rests on her part?

Slightly sweating, Wong Xue Guo maintained her straight back as she lightly asked, "Are you alright? Do you need a break?"

"No need," said Woojin through his gritted teeth and unleashed his new ability. Since either one still resulted in his suffering, he might as well drag her to suffer along with him!

She was slightly taken aback by the sudden change, before getting herself to quickly accept it. As there was not much difference in swimming in her memories or in his, she spitefully challenged to swim in his. It was strangely getting much easier to pick his memories as the target.

The twenty-minute session successfully had her gene activation rate breakthrough to eighty percent.

Seeing Woojin's poor complexion, Wong Xue Guo generously ended the session for the day and made an appointment for tomorrow.

"I hope I can finish it by tomorrow," Wong Xue Guo voiced out her intention and met Woojin's agonized glare.

"Fine!" Woojin hatefully glared at her back as she left with Chen Yibo supporting her upright.

Why is she the only strange one?! It must be because she's a pervert!

The researchers were also confused on why Wong Xue Guo was the only one with a different result, only suffering headaches from the onslaught of memories. Her fertility rate did drop, but the drop was very low compared to others. From the overall report, she was the prime example of an Awakened person's ideal outcome. Not everyone wanted to look unhealthily thin with white hair that would definitely have them mistaken as a zombie at the first glance!

"Her bone density is getting higher, right?" A research member sighed in slight admiration. Other testers have higher bone density too, so it was not a strange sight, but coupled with her other non-existence side effects, it was an enviable thing. The other Awakened people would definitely be jealous of her.

"Could it be that she's an anti-ability? Reflecting bad stuff away?" Another researcher joked.

Chen YiWen smiled as he tapped his pen on his notes, joining in the joke. "It could be."

"There's also strange things from other testers. Their activation speed is getting slower."

"I firmly believe it's because they had already expected what will happen, anticipated it and had more defence against Woojin's ability!"

Chen YiWen did not stop his team's increasingly weird discussion. They were all overworked, and exhausted, treating this as a way to release their tension.

Besides, only some people know that Wong Xue Guo was especially targeted by the mastermind. Her ability might be way stronger than others and Chen YiWen secretly anticipated what her ability would be.

Just as Wong Xue Guo said, she showed up the next day at Woojin's room, ready to get over it. She prefered getting over her nightmares in one go than separating them.

Facing him with a dark smile, she admired Woojin's unwelcoming expression.

There was no way he felt happy with her presence! He had stuffed himself with a lot of food and spent nearly the entire day sleeping to get rid of his exhaustion. That dragging feeling over his limbs had not completely erased when she arrived again!

A small team that oversaw the experiment carefully took note of the participant's state, but because this participant was special, they also had to keep an eye on Woojin's state. To their ongoing perplexed, Woojin was once again in a poor state after facing Wong Xue Guo.

"Do you think that the booster shot will cause the ability to be stronger than activating it naturally?" A researcher asked his colleague in a small voice. That theory had been flying around but no one could prove if it was right.

"Ah? Why do you think that?"

In the tone of a person that was saying a sacred topic, he said, "Just take Miu and Grandpa Song's abilities as examples. Grandpa Song's good luck does not stand out at all, and it happens at odd times. Whereas Miu could be said to have a powerful ability to see the past and future, but it was restricted to objects, and she had almost no control over her ability."

His colleague snorted. "That reasoning is just pushing it. I believe in proven facts than untested theory."

Another colleague quipped, "Even if he's right, do we need to risk so much just to get a much stronger ability? We get to save food, hair and body weight using natural boost. Any ability is better than not having any at all."

That conversation reached Chen Yibo's ears and he shared it with Wong Xue Guo after the session ended.

"Hah?" Wong Xue Guo's face became scary after hearing that. Along with the raging headache, her mood was not good and her control over her expression had laxed. Even the female researcher that was getting samples from her to do a health test was a little intimidated. Her movement became even lighter, fearing being a target of her anger.

Wong Xue Guo's gene activation rate had finally hit a hundred percent and she had only known about it! It was already too late to change her mind to do a booster shot!

"It's just something they talk about for fun and should not be taken seriously," Chen Yibo quickly said.

The scary expression on Wong Xue Guo's face disappeared. "I know."

Anyway, what was done was done and she was rather reluctant to part with her black hair, even if white seemed cool. It was more important not to be wrongly assumed to be a zombie! Besides, her black hair would play a nice trick on the masterminds and would have them assume she was just a normal human.

She was really curious about how her parents looked now.

"Wong Xue Guo."

It took her a moment to realize it was Woojin calling her. He had never called her by name and she even thought that he did not know her name when he always called her by 'you'.

"Is there something?"

The researchers were packing the machines since Woojin was not in the state to continue helping other people activate their Alpha gene. Their movement slowed down with most of their attention on them, delaying their time to leave. They were a little afraid Woojin would purposely pick a fight with Miss Wong.

One was the daughter of a director and another was helpful in Awakening the Alpha gene. It was quite difficult to choose who to side with when a fight occurred because they would be in trouble if either one of them got hurt.

Teacher Jang just so happened to return from a bathroom break and immediately noticed the strange atmosphere. He headed straight to Woojin's side, asking if something had happened. He had assuredly left after Wong Xue Guo's session had ended, so what else had happened from the short time he had left?

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