Chapter 37 - But her father does not want to act the script with her

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XG 37 - But her father does not want to act the script with her

Wong Xue Guo expressed her approval when he immediately introduced himself first before waiting for the other person to speak. She was afraid her father would suddenly call out one of her mother's 'sweet' nicknames and destroy whatever cool image he had in Chen Yibo's eyes.

"Where are you now?" Charles Wong's voice echoed in the room.

"We are still at our residence. We got intruders to deal with that delayed our departure."

"Where's Guo Guo?"

Chen Yibo saw Wong Xue Guo scribbling at the corner of his eyes and instinctively delayed his answer.

[Just tell him I'm hiding. Don't say much about me.]

Chen Yibo eyes were screaming 'But this is a good opportunity to get your dad to be concerned about you!'

But seeing her fierce gaze telling him to 'Shut up and listen to me', he reluctantly conveyed her words.

Just as Wong Xue Guo feared, her father does not completely believe it with that long pause at the other end.

"Tell my wife to call me back when she has the time."

"Yes, sir," Chen Yibo promised just as Wong Xue Guo sighed in relief.

It was not that she had not thought of using her own injury to gain sympathy, but what if her father was unbothered? That would humiliate her in front of Chen Yibo!

However, when she rethinks about it, this method might work to wake up his naive delusions? Her little embarrassment was nothing if it would be helpful. Eyes sparkling, she scribbled her approval and waited for her father to question more about her.

But her father does not want to act the script with her.

"Please watch over my daughter. Stop her from saving others or doing anything dangerous."

"... Understood!"

The paper in her grip crumbled and Wong Xue Guo glared at Chen Yibo. 'Understood my ass! You only understand the wrong thing!'

Seeing his beaming smile and shining eyes, she felt that the journey to Chen Yibo's enlightenment will be long and tough.


Wong Xue Guo grinned maliciously at the oblivious Chen Yibo. He had promised her father to stop her from saving others. With the task to watch over her, he would be forced to stand by and could not lend a hand to passersby.

For him, that would be agonizing to watch. Or would he save them in the guise of doing so with her name?

Wong Xue Guo froze at the last thought. Darn it, she would be the scapegoat for others to scold if anything happened to Chen Yibo during his heroic act, right?!

"Xue Guo, do you still want to check the corpse?" Chen Yibo's question pulled her from her dark musing after passing the phone back to her.

She hated that she could not think this well when it came to studying. Unlike the study prince Chen Yibo, she was the borderline passing student that was famous for last-minute knowledge cramming. Her high scores before the age of twelve were a feat of her hard work and burning midnight oil, which she no longer has the determination to replicate after discovering the wonders of manga.

Not wanting to move her head, she just gave him a thumbs-up before kneeling down to continue inspecting the corpse. There were scars here and there, but they do not resemble bite marks.

Noticing the inattentive Chen Yibo, she smacked his leg lightly and motioned him to flip the body over. His expression was a minute closer to disturbed, but he still helped her turn the body. It was not done gently, a little revenge on her part, and the sound of flesh hitting the ground was loud.

Their attention was quickly captured at the sight of the revealed back.

Wong Xue Guo took a deep breath, and for once was able to ignore the pain in her throat.

The pink lady's entire back was filled with scars. It was only at a closer glance that she could identify them all as teeth marks. She trembled at her own imagination at how painful and bloody it would be.

"Could this be the dangerous method Ms Wong was saying?" Chen Yibo asked.

Wong Xue Guo bit her lip. She had not thought that far, only thinking that the survivors from the bite might gain supernatural ability. The method of surviving the bite was not pondered by her. If Chen Yibo's guess was right, does that mean Nurul Hanani's body would have uncountable bite marks?

"I think Hani chose to have her old wound repeatedly bitten. Her wound became worse after she returned, remember?" Chen Yibo said, his gaze locking onto hers in an attempt to calm her down.

She had purposely avoided looking at Nurul Hanani's bite wound closely, but she vaguely remember her wound was bloodier when they returned later. Releasing her abused lip in embarrassment, she scribbled with nicer handwriting. [If the survivors gain supernatural abilities, it means Hani will have one too. That's good news.]

With them, humanity will have hope to fight against the horde of zombies.

But why did Suzie Yap choose not to share this method? Was there something else that needed to be considered?

She would find an opportunity to ask her mother later.

There was nothing else to be found on the corpse so she asked Chen Yibo, [Why are you here?]

"There's an intruder that slipped away. He could pass through the walls and we spread out to find him. We were worried that he would find you, so Xunsu asked me to retrieve you."

Wong Xue Guo was glad he arrived right on time to save her ass. Outside might be dangerous, but she also does not want to stay in a room with a corpse either. Pushing his shoulder, she urged him to quickly leave.

Her overactive mind had imagined how much destruction had visited them outside her parent's bedroom. Following closely behind Chen Yibo, her eyes widened in surprise as she looked around the third floor. Different from her destructive imagination, the place looked the same as usual, with nothing out of place except for a picture frame.

Her sharp eyes saw that there was a hidden space behind the frame that would be useful to hide things.

She, who had lived in this house for most of her life, had not even noticed there was something wrong with the frames. The entire corridor was decorated with her mother's collection of paintings, painted by famous painters she had brought from auctions or private exhibitions. No one other than her mother was allowed to touch them, and even the cleaning was done by herself.

It does not need that much IQ to guess it was Suzie Yap that overturned the frame, without much care for the painting, to reach for something that was likely to be a weapon hidden behind it.

Could it be that her mother was passionate about these paintings because they would be useful to provide cover to hide things?

Ignited by curiosity, she overturned some frames, but not all had something behind them. During her search, she found knives, guns, and even a taser.

Was this her mother's preparation for self-protection in case of danger?

Unlike Wong Xue Guo, Chen Yibo's every try would always have good results. "Every third frame, the painting that has a red flower will have a hidden weapon."

She was not someone that had good analytical skills and was glad Chen Yibo was one. She had grown up to be a salted fish without much motivation to evolve into a mighty dragon.

Back Theater:

Guo Guo: Why bother to pretend when we have already ripped the mask apart? ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

Yibo: Right. *Thinks they are now real friends*

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