Chapter 177 - That's the charm of demons

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XG 177 - That's the charm of demons

"You only have this choice. Our agreement will be that I teach you how to use your ability well and you will kill Zene for me."

Wong Xue Guo caught on to a word. "Kill? Did you not say my ability will extract your genes from him? There is no need for me to do the deed when there's a long line of people wanting to kill him personally, right? Unless he could regain the gene by absorbing others?"

Scorn flashed across his eyes. "No. Without my gene, he will be unable to absorb any energy. But I want you to kill him with your own hands."

How vengeful.

There had to be more than breaking the contract to have a demon aim for Zene's life.

"Okay. I agree." She will just treat Zene as a zombie. "But if someone killed him before I did, there's nothing I can do, right?"

"If." That smile on his face was one she had never seen on her father. But if it was Charles Wong's gang members that saw it, they would tremble in fear, for it was a smile that would demand blood, sweat and tears from them, pushing them to the limits to complete his demand.

"Let's start with the first lesson now, shall we?"

Wong Xue Guo does not know what to expect from these tutoring lessons, but she certainly did not expect how perfectionist Mr Demon could be. Her newly bloom ego of having inherited the shadow was pummeled repeatedly until she was nearly as humble as a monk.

With no windows in sight, she does not know how many days, weeks or months had passed.

Fortunately, Mr Demon had assured her that when she returned back to her body, only a few seconds would have passed, or else the pressure of learning would kill her first before a zombie could.

Wong Xue Guo, who was a 'only want to pass' student, found it hard to adjust to the fast-facing and high-scoring training. She was satisfied with her result but not her demanding teacher.

She felt like she learned a lot, yet also not much with how many repeats she was forced to do. The one thing she could remember vividly was Mr Demon's voice that keep telling her to do it again, again and again. It was beginning to give her some sort of anxiety.

When Mr Demon finally allow her to 'graduate', she nearly cheered out loud. "Can I leave now?"

"What's the hurry? There's no difference even if you leave a little later."

"There is. My mental health."

Although this palace was huge, grand and dirtless, there was never once she could step out of this place. With no window or door to the outside, she had completely lost track of time and that feeling does not feel good at all. Even when she 'sleep', she only does it once she was exhausted.

She had almost forgotten the sounds of birds chirping, vehicles passing by and the smell of forest! This place gave her a suffocatingly trapped feeling that will drive her crazy.

Her guts told her that if she did not leave now, Mr Demon might tell her to stay longer and practise her already good skills to the master level!

"Humans and their fragile minds. You heard her?"

"What-" Wong Xue Guo suddenly disappeared from the place, her consciousness returned back to her body.

Mr Demon turned to an empty space. "You could have introduced yourself to her before sending her away."

The space Mr Demon was staring at distorted and a person in entirely white appeared. This person's gender could not be distinguished, with a pair of large white wings tucked in. The appearance of the Angel forcefully dispelled Mr Demon's disguise as 'Charles Wong'.

Shadow In Your Mind [ARC 1- 5]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin