Chapter 18 - Was it so easy to disregard rules?

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XG 18 - Was it so easy to disregard rules?

None of them have low EQ and immediately could see the young boy was uncomfortable having his illness under the spotlight.

"Actually, it's kind of cool." Chen Jiang An grinned, ignoring Low Lin Ya's glare that advised him to stop it. "He gets to fight how long he wants and won't feel any muscle pain. As for me, I will definitely feel sore tomorrow."

Wong Xue Guo secretly nodded in agreement. Dying without feeling pain was the greatest wish for all elderly folks. Of course, she does not dare to say those insensitive words out loud.

"I saw some pain relief patch somewhere outside. I will get them," Chen Yibo said to Vihaan, who nodded gratefully.

Even if Kim Sung-Ho does not feel pain, the patches will help with muscle inflammation and prevent most of the swelling.

Kim Sung-Ho did not move or resist when Vihaan rubbed an alcohol pad over his palms to disinfect the small cuts. No one, other than his parents, would be so careful when treating his wounds. He could feel the difference between one that acted out of obligation and one out of affection.

He blinked his stinging eyes as he reminisced about his parents that had sacrificed a lot just for him. Even their migration to Marigold was done just for him to have a less stressful environment from their relatives and wish for him to grow up safely.

"I can feel tired," Kim Sung-Ho slowly said and everyone could see he had slowly emerged from his defensive shell.

Nurul Hanani no longer had the energy to sit up, much less walk. Even the pain from the bite wound no longer made her feel uncomfortable and became easily ignorable. Her whole weight was practically supported by Suzie Yap, who wrapped an arm around her waist and carried her along.

She knew her zombification was getting closer as her thoughts grew scattered and became harder to focus. She only came to herself when she felt something cold on her back.

Inside the kitchen utility store, Suzie Yap had placed Nurul Hanani down and leaned her against the wall for support while she went to search for new knives. The blood and harsh usage had made her knives no longer in their top shape. She picked two knives that were much sharper than the ones she had been using, quickly losing her favour.

As someone that lived in a rule-abiding world, Nurul Hanani was shocked at how casual Mrs Wong was when she took the knives without hesitation. Was it so easy to disregard rules? It was only after they left the store and walked far ahead did Nurul Hanani come to terms with it.

The current situation was where the law was useless as it could not save her now. Which zombie still has the mind to obey them anyway?

Along the way, there were no zombies in sight and they entered another store, this time the convenience store. Once again placing Nurul Hanani on the floor with her back on a shelf, Suzie Yap grabbed a lot of snacks and tossed them at the teenager.

"Eat as much as you can. You need a lot of energy if you want to survive this." If Nurul Hanani does not have enough energy, her chance of survival will decrease.

Nurul Hanani slowly lowered her gaze to the packets around her. Mrs Wong had grabbed a lot of fattening, high-nutrient food for her. Strangely, these foods that usually held low appeal to her suddenly looked very appetizing to her eyes. It was with difficulty that she lifted her hands to grab the bananas. If it was not because of common sense to peel the skin first, she would have eaten the banana together with the skin.

Why was she suddenly so hungry? Even her stomach started to feel uncomfortable by its emptiness.

Suzie Yap watched as Nurul Hanani's speed in eating grew as she devoured the bananas and chocolate bars. Removing the cap, she handed the mineral water to Nurul Hanani.

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