Chapter 96

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I glance at my watch. I'm surprised when it says it's 3am. I'm equally surprised Grace has had the stamina to dance for hours straight. The club has thinned out a bit in the night. I decide as it's getting emptier to go and join Grace. I finish my drink and walk down the stairs and find Grace in the crowd. I'm surprised to not find Linc and Lily with her.
"Where are the other two?" Grace points to the corner with the two of them clearly having a row. I smile at her.
"You should have came and found me."
"I was fine." I kiss her.
"I know. When did you want to leave?"
"Now?" She smiles. I'm relieved at her answer I'm quite out of it.
"You should go say bye to Linc and Lily. Let them know if they want a car to ask." Grace nods and walks over to her friends.  I walk to the door and wait for her to join me. I look around and for the first time think maybe this double life will be possible with Grace. Hell if it's not we don't have many options anymore. Grace walks over to me and grabs my hand.
"Let's go!" She chirps and I laugh. We climb into the back of a range rover and it pulls away.
"Are you looking forward to tomorrow?"
"Why what's tomorrow?" She asks and I laugh.
"We get the keys to the house?"
"I'd completely forgotten! I am now excited!" I laugh and roll my eye.
"The old house sold today, I'd have told you but you weren't around."
"Did you get asking?"
"We did yes. I put the sale money into a bank account for our child."
"You put 86 million into a bank account for a baby that isn't born yet?" She looks genuinely surprised at this I'm not entirely sure why.
"Yeah why?"
"That's a lot of money Jace."
"Grace it'll buy them a house, a car pay for'll give them a good start, besides we don't need that money."
"I know, it just seems like a lot for someone who isn't here yet." I put my hand on her thigh.
"I want our child to always have something. This is there's. Even if we don't have this child Grace we will have one so to put money away from them is the right thing to do." She nods.
"You're going to be a great dad." I smile. This is one of the highest compliments she could give me considering my own father wasn't much.
"I just want to get to 12 weeks. Then I'll be excited." It's so odd, when Grace was pregnant last year I just didn't feel exciting for us. Infact it freaked me right out and I left her when she needed me. I did everything so wrong then I'm glad she left, I feel like it made me a better person for her. The cars pull up to the plaza and we get out and I take her hand. I notice she is shivering so I take my blazer off and wrap it around her shoulders. She smiles at me and leans into my side. We go to the elevator and ride up in silence. I open the door for her and we walk in. I look around the room and can't help but laugh at the state she left it in there are bags all over the place and alot of room service.
"Grace could you have made much more of a mess?" She laughs and shakes her head.
"Probably not I'll clean it up." She gets to work picking up the bags and tosses her heels off. I start cleaning up the room service and put it out the door on the cart. When she's done cleaning she goes and lies on the bed. I walk over to her and climb on top her her.
"I'm sorry we argued." She says.
"I'm not." She furrows her brow clearly annoyed at my comment.
"We needed to have that discussion, we have both kept it bottled up so it needed said. However, I didn't say it earlier because I didn't think it was right to. I want to make it clear, you can't abuse my position to do reckless things. I was tempted to let you get arrested today." She pouts.
"You'd let your baby mama go to jail?" I laugh and kiss her.
"Yep. If she deserves it."
"What changed your mind?"
"The gun. That wouldn't have been so easy to explain away if you'd denied having one and then they found it." She bites her lip and smiles. She drives me insane when she does this.
"I see...well thank you for not sending me to jail."
"You're very welcome." I smile and kiss her. She runs her hands through my hair and kisses me back. I climb off her and take my suit off. She slides out of that beautiful dress and puts my shirt I've just taken off on. She's taken her bandages off her stomach at some point today. It looks surprisingly tidy. My chest feels a twinge of guilt at the thought of her surgery but I'm relieved nothing but a scar came out of it badly. I grab her hands and kneel down to her belly height and kiss around her scars gently. I can't help myself and also visit her vagina and kiss her clit gently. She smiles at me. I have no intention to take this any further tonight.
"I love you." She whispers. I stand up and pull her to the bed. I pull her into me and she rests her head on my chest like always.
"I love you." I reply. I kiss the top of her head I smile to myself.
"We need to be up early to get the keys."
"Okay just wake me when you want us up." I set my alarm for 8am that should be okay. We both drift off soon after. I'm woken up to the sound of Grace running out of bed to the bathroom. I glance at my watch it's 7am so not too early, I walk to the bathroom and squat next to her and rub her back.
"Do you need anything?"
"Water please." I walk back to the room and grab one out the mini fridge and return to give it too her. I sit on the floor with my back against the shower.
"You don't have to be here." She says and leans back against the wall taking a sip of her water. I lean over to her and rub her leg.
"I want to be I helped put you in this situation." We both laugh at this unfortunately Graces laughter is short lived when she leans back over to the toilet. I walk into the room and order some room service for us both, Grace normally is starving half an hour later. She pads out the bathroom a short time later and smiles at me.
"Did you order food?" She asks and I nod she grins at me.
"You know me so well."
"Did you want me to go get the keys without you and come back and get you?"
"No I want to come!" She chirps and I nod.
"Okay just wondered." I smile and put on some black adidas jogging bottoms and my black hoodie. I throw my zip up hoodie at Grace and she grins. She puts on her yoga pants that she looks incredible in. And throws on one of my T-shirts with my hoodie. She looks so cute in my clothes.
"I feel cosy." She says and I laugh.
"You smell like a man." I wink.
"My man." She grins back. She's in a good mood all things considering. The door goes and I let the room service in. I ordered pretty much everything I could have for breakfast and it looks and smells good. I pick at some fruit and scrambled eggs.
"Mmm?" I turn to face Grace whose nibbling a chocolate croissant. Oh god her face tells me she's over thinking something.
"If we have a boy are you going to raise him to take your place?"
"Why do you assume just a boy could take my place?" She shrugs
"I just didn't think about a daughter taking your place, but same question." I hadn't remotely thought about the future for my child especially not taking my place.
"It doesn't have to be them. I don't have to hand it over to a biological child. It can be anyone worthy, like Terry did to me."
"But Terry had no children so it wasn't a choice he had."
"I wouldn't raise them to take my place. It's not a burden I would want for my child, if they want it though I wouldn't stop it." My answer was honest  although something I hadn't really contemplated who would take over from me. I've only just started. Fuck. Now my head is in a spin I don't want my burden for my child, I don't want them to have to kill their friends when they cross them.
"Grace, you know I haven't touched the surface of the things I'm going to have to do right?" She is looking at me and nods slowly.
"Would you want your child to have to be involved with that?"
"No of course not, but you're their father and if that's the legacy you choose for them then I'd have to support it." I stand up to her and go to her and put my hand on her cheek.
"You'd never have to roll over to something you didn't want for your child Grace. That's our baby. Not mine not yours, ours." She nods and smiles.
"Shall we go get the keys to our place now?" I say trying to change the subject from Graces over thinking. She nods and puts her shoes on.
"I'm so excited, it's like our family home!" She genuinely looks happier than she did on our wedding day about this. I slide on my trainers and hold my hand out. She takes it enthusiastically and walks to the door pulling me along. I chuckle and leave with her. We walk to the elevator and return to the lobby. The concierge bring our Rolls Royce around to the front and I walk Grace to the passenger side and open her door for her. She kisses my cheek and I walk around to my side of the car and climb into the drivers seat. I pull the car onto the road and drive to the estate agents to collect the keys. It doesn't take long from the Plaza as it's just a few blocks away. I pull up outside the estate agents.
"Shall we go get our house then?" Grace nods enthusiastically. She climbs out the car and waits by the door for me. We walk into the estate agents and the broker walks up to us.
"Congratulations guys! Nothing to sign, Mr Atlas did it all over lunch yesterday, here are your keys, if you ever need to sell or buy again please remember where we are!" Grace grabs the keys and smiles.
"That's it?"
"Yep that is it."
"Let's go home!" She says to me and I roll my eyes and we exit the estate agents. We both climb back into the car and I pull onto the main road out of town.
"Don't forget my mother is helping us today. She said she'd be over around lunchtime so we have a few hours to get settled."
"I'm glad you're trying to have a relationship with her." I nod.
"Me too. I've been meaning to talk to you about something."
"What is it?"
"Alejandro wants us to visit them in Italy, it is for business, and I said I wouldn't be going alone, but I thought it could be an opportunity for a nice break somewhere different?"
"Where in Italy?"
"Yeah I'd love to!"
"Grace I will be there on business so just bare that in mind."
"I still want to go. I can go eat gelato and sunbathe while you talk Mafia."
"I'll arrange it then. Do you need anything to travel?"
"Jace I'm hardly even pregnant. I'm not even 12 weeks yet. It'll be fine. When are we going?"
"I'll call Alejandro later and ask when is good." I pull into our drive. The gates open automatically and I drive up the windy road.
"Close your eyes."
"Just do it."
"Fine." She huffs. I pull up to the house next to the Yellow Lambo she requested.
"Okay you can open them." She glances at the car and back at me
"You got it?!"
"Oh Jace I love it! Thank you!"
"It'll save you constantly stealing my SUV now. Shall we go see the house now?" She nods and jumps out the car. She has a peer into the lambo and then continues to the front door and opens it with her key. I scoop her up and kick the door open she laughs.
"We haven't just got married!!"
"No but it's our family home that will be in our family for generations so we are doing this. She laughs and it's euphoric to me.

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