Chapter 47

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I've laid Grace along the back of the car. I have no idea how long she'll be out. I hope it's long enough to get those things out of her. I rip off my bandage and look at my wound. It's stitched tightly shut. I assume hers will be the same. Where the fuck am I going to go? Chris is running to the car his arms are stacked with equipment and other shit I'm sure I don't want to know about. He jumps in the car. I pull out the car park fast. He grins at me.
"I really fucking enjoyed that." He burst. I laugh. It reminds me of when we were teens and we use to rob shops and beat kiddies up for no reason. It's nice having him back on my team.
"I'm thinking a vet?"
"Good shout. Do you have any more cash to bribe them?" I scoff.
"Why did I even ask." He teases. I plug the nearest vet into the satnav. We've got to do it quick, they'll be tracker us.
"Why've they not followed? Do you know?"
"I think they're trying to regroup. They didn't expect you to shoot five people dead." I nod.
"She means that much doesn't she." I nod again.
"She's my world man. I'd be nothing without that girl." He smirks. I'm waiting for him to tease. But it doesn't come. I'm driving at 150 mph now I need to focus. It's not long before we reach the town I was aiming for. I pass Chris my wallet.
"Go in, ask to buy the vets and pay them off. Theres enough money to cover this vet and their years salary." He tuts and rolls his eyes but does. I go to the back of the car. Grace is awake I heard her wake just after i pulled out the hospital, she didn't move because she wanted to know she was safe. I think I proved that with my romantic declaration. I open the back door.
"Hey Baby."
"Jace?" Her eyes are swimming with tears and I pull her into me.
"You're okay I promise. I do have bad news though." She looks at me with her big sad eyes and I sigh and take her hands.
"They know where we were, where we are" She looks really confused now.
"They put trackers in both of us when they shot our flanks." That fucking bullet wound is really beginning to be a fucking bitch.
I see Chris waving in the distance, the car park is clear. I put all the things he gathered in my leather bag and grab Graces hand.
"It's time. We will be safer I promise." She nods and takes my hand and we walk into the vets. It's actually a really nice one. I might keep it open as a vets. I lead grace into the back room and find the theatre.
"I want you to do mine first?" She looks horrified.
"Grace I trust you more than him. He's not..gentle. I'll do most of it myself but I need you to help." She says nothing and nods. I lie back on the table.
"Chris pass me some gloves, a scalpel and something to get it on and something to cut." He nods and passes them to me one by one. I point at some antiseptic and grace grabs the bottle down. I slide my top up and tip the antiseptic all over my wound. Fuck that hurts. I take a deep breath and open the stitches. I know roughly where this is. I move tissue around with the clips, where the fuck is it. Grace takes my hand and nods. I pass her the clips and the scalpel and lay back.

Grace takes a deep breath and puts the gloves on. She pulls the wound open more and uses the clips. She nods.
"I can see it." She whispers almost silently. If she could hurry up that would be great this is fucking excruciating. She digs into my wound deeper I feel her clip something and tug. I'm going to be sick. This is the weirdest sensation. I feel a gentle tug and Grace pulls it out. It's tiny.
"Thank you." She nods and walks away. She finds a needle and puts it in there.
"What are you doing?"
"What if it needs to be in blood or something?" She fills the needle with water and goes to the animal cages. She sees a cat. She isn't about to. Yes yes she is. She injects the tracker to the cat. This girl is so smart. It will keep it live. She turns to me and smiles.
"I guess it's my turn?" She says nervously.
"You could stitch me up first?" She smiles and nods. She begins doing just that. She's surprisingly very good.
"Maybe you should be a nurse." I tease. She smiles.
"I think I'd miss seeing my boss every day."
"Is that so?" I smirk. Now is really not the time Jace don't even think about it.
I sit up and look to her and she sighs at me.
"You don't have to do this."
"You're sweet, but I do."
I don't know why this has been playing on my mind. I think it's because the only thing I can think about is the fact it's going to have to come out. She just nods.
"I'll be awake."
"You're sure?" She nods and lies on the table. I gently pull her dressing from her tummy. I put on some gloves.
"I'm going to leave you guys." I nod at Chris.
"I'll be outside." He continues.
I grab the antiseptic and pour it onto her tummy, she flinches.
"I'm so sorry, I can numb it?" She shakes her head. "Just do it."
"You don't have to be brave for me Grace."
"Just do it." I nod and cut her stitches allowing the wound to open. I can see hers almost immediately.
"Grace I can see it. It'll be no issue. Not like mine."
"Good." She whispers. I grab a clean clamp and pinch the chip. She winced but I pull it out carefully. I follow her lead and put it in the same Cat. I turn back and stitch her up gently. She's crying. I just need to finish this. I put a bandage on her flank.
"Good as new." I smile. She nods.

"We need to go. First we need to free that cat." She goes to the cat cage and smoothes it. She opens the back door and lets it go. I sigh in relief .
We walk outside to Chris.
"Im going to leave you guys now. I don't want to risk them finding me with you. I'll go back. If I find anything out I will let you know. I know you aren't in danger right now though." I nod he passes my wallet back to me. He calls an Uber and leaves. Grace and I walk back to the car.
"Are you okay?" I ask. She nods.
"Grace you've hardly said anything."
"I'm processing." I can get that.
"Why don't we go to Banff tomorrow?" She looks at me and nods.
"Id like that."
"We need to go shopping first, let's go find a hotel for tonight and we will sort the test tomorrow." She nods and climbs in the car. I plug a hotel I like into the satnav it's in Cincinnati which isn't too far from here. We will be close to the airport to this way. Before leaving this town I swing by the bank and withdraw as much cash as it lets me. I think it's about 5 grand but I'm not certain. We drive to the hotel and get there at just past 2am. I check in under a different name and pay cash for the suite. Grace seems pleased with our abode for tonight.

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